GHSP-D-13-00002 Supplementary Material
The Healthy Fertility Study in Bangladesh used 4 communication materials to educate women, their families, and communities about postpartum family planning, birth spacing, and the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM). Readers are free to use or adapt these materials in their own programs.
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Postpartum care leaflet - Ahmed, et al. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-13-00002 A pictorial description of postpartum services and potential postpartum complications, and the importance of visiting a health center at the sign of any complication. The leaflet also emphasizes visiting a health center for a postpartum physical check-up, for immunization of the baby, and to choose a contraceptive method.
- Exclusive breastfeeding and birth spacing leaflet - Ahmed, et al. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-13-00002 Describes exclusive breastfeeding, the benefits of birth-to-pregnancy spacing of at least 24 months, the citation from the Quran about breastfeeding, and visiting a health facility for consultations.
- LAM leaflet - Ahmed, et al. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-13-00002 A pictorial listing of LAM criteria and when to transition, and the importance of timely transition, to another modern method when LAM is no longer effective.
- Return to fertility leaflet - Ahmed, et al. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-13-00002 Describes the story of a woman named Asma; the story discusses the short time period before fertility returns after delivery, and variations in return to fertility from woman to woman, including messages describing the risk of becoming pregnant prior to the return of menses and as soon as 1 month postpartum if the baby is not breastfed, as well as the benefits of birth-to-pregnancy spacing of at least 24 months. The story was received well by women in the study, many of whom could relate to it.