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- Biometric Fingerprint System to Enable Rapid and Accurate Identification of Beneficiaries
Inability to uniquely identify clients impedes access to services and contributes to inefficiencies. Using a pocket-sized fingerprint scanner that wirelessly syncs with a health worker's smartphone, the SimPrints biometric system can link individuals' fingerprints to their health records. A pilot in Bangladesh will assess its potential.
- A False Dichotomy: RCTs and Their Contributions to Evidence-Based Public Health
Global public health should rely on those research methods that best answer the pressing questions at hand. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and other rigorous impact evaluation methods have a critical role to play in public health.
- Barriers to Health Care in Rural Mozambique: A Rapid Ethnographic Assessment of Planned Mobile Health Clinics for ART
Mobile health clinics can markedly decrease clients' transportation time and cost to access antiretroviral therapy (ART) and other health services in rural areas, potentially improving use. Close coordination with community leaders and regularly scheduled visits by the mobile clinics are critical.
- Female Health Workers at the Doorstep: A Pilot of Community-Based Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Service Delivery in Northern Nigeria
Deployment of resident female Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs) to a remote rural community led to major and sustained increases in service utilization, including antenatal care and facility-based deliveries. Key components to success: (1) providing an additional rural residence allowance to help recruit and retain CHEWs; (2) posting the female CHEWs in pairs to avoid isolation and provide mutual support; (3) ensuring supplies and transportation means for home visits; and (4) allowing CHEWs to perform deliveries.
- Patient Flow Analysis in Resource-Limited Settings: A Practical Tutorial and Case Study
Patient flow analysis (PFA), a simple quality improvement tool to identify patient flow patterns, can be used in resource-limited settings to inform service delivery improvements. A PFA at a Ghanaian hospital found that personnel constraints and a mismatch between staffing and patient arrival surges led to long wait and total attendance times. The median time from arrival to first-provider contact was 4.6 hours.
- Response to “A False Dichotomy: RCTs and Their Contributions to Evidence-Based Public Health”
While randomized controlled trials (RCTs) can and do make valuable contributions, they also have severe limitations, including in answering the basic question of “Does it work?” and, even more so, in steering how to proceed with complex public health programming at scale. They deserve no exalted position in the pantheon of methodologies for evidence-based public health.
- Successful Proof of Concept of Family Planning and Immunization Integration in Liberia
Mobilizing vaccinators to provide mothers key family planning information and referrals to co-located, same-day family planning services was feasible in resource-limited areas of Liberia, leading to substantial increases in contraceptive use. Conversely, impact on immunization rates was less clear, but at a minimum there was no decrease in doses administered.
- A Resource Planning Analysis of District Hospital Surgical Services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
District hospitals in the DRC, on average, could not provide 21% of lifesaving surgical interventions due to deficiencies in basic infrastructure and essential surgical equipment and supplies. Surgery's important health impact and proportionally low service delivery budget argue for greater emphasis on surgical interventions, including for obstetric care.
- ARVs: The Next Generation. Going Boldly Together to New Frontiers of HIV Treatment
New antiretrovirals (ARVs), particularly the potentially “game-changing” ARV dolutegravir, offer major potential to meet the compelling need for simpler and better HIV treatment for tens of millions of people in the coming decade. Advantages include substantially lower manufacturing cost, fewer side effects, and less risk of resistance. But key obstacles must be addressed in order to develop and introduce new ARVs in specific combinations optimized for the needs of low- and middle-income countries. Strong leadership will be essential from the global health community to nurture more focused collaboration between the private and public sectors.