Latest Articles
- Family Planning, Reproductive Health, and Progress Toward the Sustainable Development Goals: Reflections and Directions on the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development
Investing in family planning and reproductive health—broadly defined as the services, policies, information, attitudes, practices, and commodities, including contraceptives, that help individuals achieve their fertility intentions—is integral to attaining many Sustainable Development Goals.
- Early Lessons From Working With Local Partners to Expand Private-Sector Health Care Networks in Burundi and Mali
Expanding private health care delivery networks is possible through partnerships with local organizations. This article explores how expanded networks differ from traditional social franchise networks and discusses how they can support and steward private health care facilities in contexts like Burundi and Mali.
- Promoting Male Involvement in Family Planning: Insights From the No-Scalpel Vasectomy Program of Davao City, Philippines
The no-scalpel vasectomy program in Davao City, Philippines, serves as a promising model for engaging men in family planning and addressing gender disparities in such initiatives.
- Maturity Assessment of the Health Information System Using Stages of Continuous Improvement Methodology: Results From Serbia
A structural and well-defined approach to the comprehensive assessment of the fragmented health information system points to items that could be improved in future governance efforts.
- Learnings From an Innovative Model to Expand Access to a New and Underutilized Nonhormonal Contraceptive Diaphragm
Experiences with early introduction of the contoured Caya diaphragm provide a new model for increasing access to new and underutilized methods, especially through private-sector partners.
- “Je suis désolé, je parle français”: How English Hegemony Undermines Efforts to Shift Power in Global Health
English hegemony in the field of sexual and reproductive health works against efforts to shift power to local communities. To fully embrace locally led development, we must grapple with English language dominance and take actions toward becoming a more linguistically inclusive community.
- Applying a Theory of Change for Human Resources Development in Public Health Supply Chains in Rwanda
The Human Resources for Supply Chain Management Theory of Change model enables users to assess how a country’s existing supply chain human resources system compares to the conditions necessary for optimized supply chain management workforce performance.
- People that Deliver: Established to Address the Health Supply Chain Workforce Gap
This commentary details the People that Deliver coalition’s work globally in the area of human resources for supply chain management and examines its role in improving the capacity of the health supply chain workforce in low- and middle-income countries.
- Presenting a Framework to Professionalize Health Supply Chain Management
The Supply Chain Management (SCM) Professionalisation Framework—a valuable tool to initiate awareness and advocacy in recognizing SCM professionals within national health systems—can be used to define and align SCM professional standards, competencies, and curricula, thus strengthening the labor market for health SCM professionals.
- Strategic Training Executive Program 2.0: A Leadership and Change Management Program for Health Supply Chains in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
STEP 2.0 is an innovative approach to developing leadership and change management competencies that will enable local supply chain management professionals to contribute to commodity and medicine availability, leading to improved health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.