Latest Articles
- Successful Proof of Concept of Family Planning and Immunization Integration in Liberia
Mobilizing vaccinators to provide mothers key family planning information and referrals to co-located, same-day family planning services was feasible in resource-limited areas of Liberia, leading to substantial increases in contraceptive use. Conversely, impact on immunization rates was less clear, but at a minimum there was no decrease in doses administered.
- A Resource Planning Analysis of District Hospital Surgical Services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
District hospitals in the DRC, on average, could not provide 21% of lifesaving surgical interventions due to deficiencies in basic infrastructure and essential surgical equipment and supplies. Surgery's important health impact and proportionally low service delivery budget argue for greater emphasis on surgical interventions, including for obstetric care.
- ARVs: The Next Generation. Going Boldly Together to New Frontiers of HIV Treatment
New antiretrovirals (ARVs), particularly the potentially “game-changing” ARV dolutegravir, offer major potential to meet the compelling need for simpler and better HIV treatment for tens of millions of people in the coming decade. Advantages include substantially lower manufacturing cost, fewer side effects, and less risk of resistance. But key obstacles must be addressed in order to develop and introduce new ARVs in specific combinations optimized for the needs of low- and middle-income countries. Strong leadership will be essential from the global health community to nurture more focused collaboration between the private and public sectors.
- Delivering High-Quality Family Planning Services in Crisis-Affected Settings II: Results
A family planning program in 5 crisis-affected settings reached more than 52,000 new contraceptive users in just 2.5 years. Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) made up 61% of the method mix, with implants predominating in most countries. IUD use also increased over time as the program intensified its efforts to improve provider skills and user awareness. These findings demonstrate the strong popularity of LARCs and the feasibility of providing them in fragile settings even though they require more training and infrastructure support than short-acting methods.
- Stunning Popularity of LARCs With Good Access and Quality: A Major Opportunity to Meet Family Planning Needs
Given true choice, a very high proportion of women, perhaps most, would select one of the long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs)—implants or IUDs—for contraception. If implemented on a wide scale, it would not only drastically alter the current method mix but also serve client needs much better and prevent unintended pregnancy more successfully.
- Strategies to reduce risks in ARV supply chains in the developing world
Key strategies of the main ARV procurement program for PEPFAR to reduce supply chain risks include: (1) employing pooled procurement to reduce procurement and shipping costs and to accommodate changing country needs by making stock adjustments at the regional level, and (2) establishing regional distribution centers to facilitate faster turnaround of orders within defined catchment areas.
- A stewardship approach to shaping the future of public health supply chain systems
Guiding Principles: (1) Governments should see themselves as stewards of supply chains, providing vision, guidance, and oversight, not necessarily as operators of supply chains. (2) Governments should not be afraid to leverage the multiple supply chain actors and diverse options available; these can be woven into a coherent, integrated system, providing flexibility and reducing risk. (3) Governments will need new skills in leadership, regulation, market research, contract design, oversight of outsourced providers, financial analysis, and alliance-building.
- Demand generation activities and modern contraceptive use in urban areas of four countries: a longitudinal evaluation
Demand generation activities that were significantly associated with increased use of modern contraception in India (Uttar Pradesh), Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal included: (1) community outreach activities, such as home visits and group discussions about family planning; (2) local radio programs; and (3) branded slogans and print materials circulated widely across the city. Television programming was also significant in India and Nigeria. Exposure to more activities may increase women's likelihood of using contraception.
- The future of routine immunization in the developing world: challenges and opportunities
Vaccine costs in the developing world have grown from < US$1/child in 2001 to about $21 for boys and $35 for girls in 2014, as more and costlier vaccines are being introduced into national immunization programs. To address these and other challenges, additional efforts are needed to strengthen 8 critical components of routine immunization: (1) policy, standards, and guidelines; (2) governance, organization, and management; (3) human resources; (4) vaccine, cold chain, and logistics management; (5) service delivery; (6) communication and community partnerships; (7) data generation and use; and (8) sustainable financing.