Latest Articles
- Barriers to Accessing Emergency Medical Services in Accra, Ghana: Development of a Survey Instrument and Initial Application in Ghana
Most respondents thought the number of ambulances insufficient and said they would rather use a taxi—perceived to be faster—in a medical emergency. Nevertheless, people generally had favorable attitudes of existing public ambulance services, although few knew of the toll-free emergency number and many thought it appropriate to use ambulances to transport corpses. Targeted public education, along with improved capacity of ambulance agencies to handle increased caseload, could improve use.
- The Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System: A Pragmatic View of an Excellent Contraceptive
The levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG IUS) has major advantages and could be a “game-changer” in improving contraceptive choice and use. It faces important challenges, however, including: (1) high commodity cost; (2) often-strong provider resistance to IUDs and difficult programmatic requirements; (3) need for demand creation, including assessing if markedly reduced menstrual bleeding is attractive to clients; and (4) the many requirements for introducing any new contraceptive. A good next step would be a well-focused and multifaceted “learning introduction” to assess the LNG IUS’s potential in several low-income countries, with rapid scale-up if results are promising.
- Reduced Effectiveness of Contraceptive Implants for Women Taking the Antiretroviral Efavirenz (EFV): Still Good Enough and for How Long?
EFV clearly reduces effectiveness of implants. However, the reduced effectiveness still appears better compared with short-acting methods overall, at least for the initial period of implant use, and may be acceptable to many women. We need better data on effectiveness, especially over the long term and on whether ENG implants (Implanon) might be more effective than LNG implants (Jadelle). Communicating the risk of pregnancy to clients under these circumstances is very challenging. In the longer term, providing an alternative to EFV, such as dolutegravir, might solve this problem.
- Nurse Mentors to Advance Quality Improvement in Primary Health Centers: Lessons From a Pilot Program in Northern Karnataka, India
Trained nurse mentors catalyzed quality improvements in facility-based maternal and newborn care by: (1) encouraging use of self-assessment checklists and team-based problem solving, (2) introducing case sheets to ensure adherence to clinical guidelines, and (3) strengthening clinical skills through on-site demonstrations and bedside teaching. Inadequate leadership and staffing were challenges in some facilities. Some social norms, such as client resistance to referral and to staying 48 hours after delivery, also impact quality and mandate community mobilization efforts.
- The Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System: Reasons to Expand Access to the Public Sector of Africa
The levonorgestrel intrauterine system has: (1) excellent effectiveness, (2) high satisfaction levels, (3) non-contraceptive benefits, and (4) potential to help reinvigorate interest in intrauterine contraception. The time is ripe for ministries and donor agencies to work together to make the product widely available across Africa.
- Monitoring and Evaluating the Transition of Large-Scale Programs in Global Health
Monitoring and evaluating large-scale global health program transitions can strengthen accountability, facilitate stakeholder engagement, and promote learning about the transition process and how best to manage it. We propose a conceptual framework with 4 main domains relevant to transitions—leadership, financing, programming, and service delivery—along with guiding questions and illustrative indicators to guide users through key aspects of monitoring and evaluating transition. We argue that monitoring and evaluating transitions can bring conceptual clarity to the transition process, provide a mechanism for accountability, facilitate engagement with local stakeholders, and inform the management of transition through learning.
- Care Groups II: A Summary of the Child Survival Outcomes Achieved Using Volunteer Community Health Workers in Resource-Constrained Settings
Care Group projects resulted in high levels of healthy behavior, including use of oral rehydration therapy, bed nets, and health care services. Accordingly, under-5 mortality in Care Group areas declined by an estimated 32% compared with 11% in areas with child survival projects not using Care Groups.
- Covering the Last Kilometer: Using GIS to Scale-Up Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Services in Iringa and Njombe Regions, Tanzania
Interactive GIS maps created by overlapping facility data including roads and infrastructure with population and service delivery data permitted strategic deployment of mobile voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) services to underserved rural communities. The percentage of VMMCs performed in rural areas jumped from 48% in 2011 to 93% in 2014.
- The Demographic Stretch of the Arc of Life: Social and Cultural Changes That Follow the Demographic Transition
The demographic transition from high to low levels of mortality and fertility brings about changes that stretch the “arc of life,” making each stage of life longer and creating new ones—a phenomenon we call “the demographic stretch.” This stretch can transform societal structure, for example, by extending childhood, shifting working ages up, delaying marriage and childbearing, improving women’s status and equity, and pushing the burden of chronic disease and disability to older ages. Global health efforts must address the resultant economic and social changes.
- Institutional Care of Children in Low- and Middle-Income Settings: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom of Oliver Twist
Whether institutions or extended families are better suited to care for orphans depends on the specific circumstances. Reported rates of traumatic experiences among orphans and vulnerable children are high in both institutions and extended families; improving the quality of care for such children should be the paramount priority in all settings.