Latest Articles
- Improving Contraceptive Service Quality and Accessibility for Adolescents and Youth Through Proprietary Patent Medicine Vendors in Four Nigerian States
Building a collaborative partnership between public and private sector health entities can expand access to and improve the quality of contraceptive information and services provided to adolescents and youth living in urban poor communities.
- The Challenge Initiative: Lessons on Rapid Scale-Up of Family Planning and Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
The articles in this supplement showcase The Challenge Initiative’s strategies and insights for sustainably scaling evidence-based family planning and adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health interventions and emphasize the need for multipronged interventions that address the complex web of factors influencing adolescents’ and youth’s access to contraceptive services.
- A Platform for Sustainable Scale: The Challenge Initiative’s Innovative Approach to Scaling Proven Interventions
The Challenge Initiative’s innovative approach to scale prioritizes local government ownership and meaningful leadership of key local stakeholders to implement high-impact interventions with built-in sustainability by strengthening local capacity and health systems.
- Boosting Contraceptive Uptake in Urban Uganda: Older Women Benefit When Layering Adolescent and Youth Interventions Onto Existing Family Planning Programming
Layering interventions designed to increase access to contraceptive uptake for adolescents and youth onto existing family planning programming resulted in boosting uptake for older women as well as adolescents and youth.
- What Underlies State Government Performance in Scaling Family Planning Programming? A Study of The Challenge Initiative State Partnerships in Nigeria
This study generated insights for government partners as they expand and institutionalize interventions introduced by intermediary scaling partners such as TCI and shows the value of strengthening the factors that best support local government scaling efforts.
- Implementing Quality Improvement Initiatives to Improve the Use of Adolescent- and Youth-Friendly Health Services in Zou, Benin
Implementing initiatives to improve the quality of adolescent- and youth-friendly health services resulted in improvements in quality assessment scores and increased contraceptive uptake among adolescents and youth.
- Lessons Learned From Telephone-Based Data Collection for Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
We document valuable experiences and challenges when collecting data for a routine longitudinal survey using telephones instead of in-person interviews during the pandemic.
- Applying a Three-Tier Approach to Address Gaps in Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Uptake and Continuity in Uganda: A Mixed Methods Approach
We introduced a transformative approach consisting of a gap analysis and root cause analysis to understand and address significant gaps in enrollment and continuity on oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and a national quality improvement collaborative to map interventions to address specific barriers in the PrEP cascade.
- National Policy Influences of Contraceptive Prevalence and Method Mix Strategy: A Longitudinal Analysis of 59 Low- and Middle-Income Countries, 2010–2021
Evidence from over a decade of Contraceptive Security Indicators survey data across 59 countries reveals a subset of finance, governance, and logistics policies that boost modern contraceptive prevalence rate and method-mix strategy.
- A Social Norms Analysis of Religious Drivers of Child Marriage
Social norms theory provides a useful analytical structure for understanding religious influences on drivers of child marriage. This framework can be used to examine religious influences on child marriage as part of contextual analysis for social and behavior change interventions.