Latest Articles
- Increasing Contraceptive Use Through Free Family Planning Special Days in Poor Urban Areas in Francophone West Africa
Through the support of local governments and The Challenge Initiative, Family Planning Special Days successfully facilitated the delivery of free family planning services to urban West African populations with high levels of poverty and unmet need.
- Innovations in Public Financing for Family Planning at Subnational Levels: Sustainable Cofinancing Strategies for Family Planning With Nigerian States
Using a cofinancing strategy, we present an innovative model on how local governments can collaborate with partners to harness all available resources and improve accountability through transparent agreement and documentation for sustainable development programming.
- Engaging Community Health Workers to Enhance Modern Contraceptive Uptake Among Young First-Time Parents in Five Cities of Uttar Pradesh
Adding tailored information and counseling on contraceptive methods for young married and first-time parents to an existing family planning program can enhance the use of modern contraceptive methods for this population.
- Improving Contraceptive Service Quality and Accessibility for Adolescents and Youth Through Proprietary Patent Medicine Vendors in Four Nigerian States
Building a collaborative partnership between public and private sector health entities can expand access to and improve the quality of contraceptive information and services provided to adolescents and youth living in urban poor communities.
- The Challenge Initiative: Lessons on Rapid Scale-Up of Family Planning and Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
The articles in this supplement showcase The Challenge Initiative’s strategies and insights for sustainably scaling evidence-based family planning and adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health interventions and emphasize the need for multipronged interventions that address the complex web of factors influencing adolescents’ and youth’s access to contraceptive services.
- A Platform for Sustainable Scale: The Challenge Initiative’s Innovative Approach to Scaling Proven Interventions
The Challenge Initiative’s innovative approach to scale prioritizes local government ownership and meaningful leadership of key local stakeholders to implement high-impact interventions with built-in sustainability by strengthening local capacity and health systems.
- Adopting Data to Care to Identify and Address Gaps in Services for Children and Adolescents Living With HIV in Mozambique
Real-time learning and implementation of the Data to Care strategy within the context of a large HIV intervention program in Mozambique provided a useful opportunity to evaluate, refine, and scale up this evidence-based approach to improve outcomes for children and adolescents living with HIV.
- Implementation and Cost Analysis of a Novel Silicosis Case-Finding Program For Mine Workers in Rural Rwanda
Implementing occupational lung disease case-finding in resource-limited settings is clinically and economically feasible and can be integrated into routine noncommunicable disease case-finding.
- Current Approaches to Following Up Women and Newborns After Discharge From Childbirth Facilities: A Scoping Review
This review found that follow-up after childbirth can be implemented using a variety of methods after discharge with high response rates in most studies and have the potential to be integrated into routine health care approaches.
- The Role of Adults in Poliovirus Transmission to Infants and Children
We draw attention to a neglected aspect of poliovirus transmission—the likely role of adults in sustaining transmission—which has important policy and practical implications for addressing the perplexing phenomenon of continued virus circulation.