Latest Articles
- Collaboration in a Partnership for Primary Health Care: A Case Study From Papua New Guinea
Four key factors that influence collaboration in a public-private partnership (PPP) are relationships, time, governance, and the impact of change. Incorporating these factors into PPP design and implementation in similar settings can increase coordinated action and improvements in primary health care.
- Surgical System Efficiency and Operative Productivity in Public and Private Health Facilities in Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Evaluation
The surgical system in Ethiopia in both public and private health facilities was inefficient, requiring immediate action to improve timely access to safe surgical care.
- Sexuality Education for Youth and Adolescents in the Middle East and North Africa Region: A Window of Opportunity
The enabling role of Islam in the notion of sexuality education can serve as a window of opportunity for implementing culturally and contextually relevant sexuality education programs in the Middle East and North Africa region.
- Transforming Supply Logistics for Health Commodity Security in Africa
Current efforts to ensure health commodity security in Africa must be extended to include transforming existing public and private logistics infrastructure for inventory management into a state of prudent multiplicity while also considering efforts to improve product selection, demand quantification, procurement, and service delivery.
- Bangladesh: 50 Years of Advances in Health and Challenges Ahead
Bangladesh has inspired the rest of the world with its remarkable health achievements over the past half-century. A considerably stronger government investment in health care is now needed to achieve universal health coverage and “Health for All” in Bangladesh.
- Perceptions of the COVID-19 Vaccine and Other Adult Vaccinations in Malawi: A Qualitative Assessment
Low perceived risk of COVID-19 and fear of the COVID-19 vaccines suggest the utility of integrating COVID-19 vaccine delivery into other health services and using trusted community-based vaccinators who emphasize the public good and avoid framing COVID-19 vaccines as different from other vaccines.
- Leveraging COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring in Ethiopia and Pakistan to Enhance System-Wide Safety Surveillance
This article demonstrates the importance of strengthening surveillance systems that monitor adverse events following immunization in Ethiopia and Pakistan to ensure vaccine safety and effectiveness and build public confidence in vaccination programs.
- COVID-19 Vaccination Integration: Efforts in 11 African Countries to Strengthen the Primary Health Care System
Efforts to integrate COVID-19 vaccination into the primary health care system in 11 African countries have been initiated through partnerships, collaborations, and leveraging existing infrastructure.
- Achieving COVID-19 and Routine Immunization Data Systems Integration on the Electronic Management of Immunization Data System in Nigeria
The authors discuss approaches to transforming Nigeria’s COVID-19 data management system (the Electronic Management of Immunization Data (EMID) system) into an optimized platform for integrated primary health care data management.