Latest Articles
- A Cosmopolitan Argument for Temporary “Diagonal” Short-Term Surgical Missions as a Component of Surgical Systems Strengthening
We propose an argument for “diagonal” short-term surgical missions as a stop-gap component of global surgical systems strengthening based upon the political justice theory of moral cosmopolitanism
- National Politics’ Role in Developing Primary Health Care Policy for Maternal Health in Papua New Guinea: A Qualitative Document Analysis
This article examines the factors and mechanisms that influenced the development of the free primary health care policy for maternal health in Papua New Guinea.
- Can the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action and Cairo Consensus Normalize the Discourse on Population?
The International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action and its Cairo Consensus can help ensure that policy responses uphold human rights and gender equality, thereby serving as the singular global reference that could bring opposing voices in the population debate together.
- Delays in Cardiovascular Emergency Responses in Africa: Health System Failures or Cultural Challenges?
Delays in receiving care for debilitating cardiovascular emergencies, such as myocardial infarction and stroke, are multifaceted and include personal, systemic, and health facility-related factors, which must all be addressed to successfully improve cardiovascular emergency outcomes.
- Capacity-Building Through Digital Approaches: Evaluating the Feasibility and Effectiveness of eLearning to Introduce Subcutaneous DMPA Self-Injection in Senegal and Uganda
This evaluation of online training for health workers to counsel clients wishing to self-inject subcutaneous DMPA suggests that online training can be effective while saving time and money. Further, eLearning courses work best when complemented with supportive supervision to help health workers correctly apply their knowledge through hands-on practice.
- Antenatal Care Interventions to Increase Contraceptive Use Following Birth in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis
Interventions delivered during the antenatal period that included a multifaceted package of initiatives appeared to be most likely to be effective at increasing voluntary postpartum contraception. By contrast, interventions with minimal counseling did not appear to be effective.
- Strengthening Capacity for Tailored Immunization Programs Using Adult Learning Principles: A Case Study from Nigeria
Incorporating participatory approaches such as adult learning principles in training PMs and HCWs improves their knowledge and skills in effectively engaging the communities and co-designing tailored interventions to improve vaccination uptake.
- FP2020 and FP2030 Country Commitments: A Mixed Method Study of Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Components
While FP2030 commitments better articulate strategies and activities to reach adolescents and youth with family planning (FP) information and services compared to FP2020 commitments, gaps remain. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, countries should continue to invest in creating and funding comprehensive FP commitments that meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents and youth.
- Twinning Partnership Network: A Learning and Experience-Sharing Network Among Health Professionals in Rwanda to Improve Health Services
Twinning and peer-to-peer learning networks can play a pivotal role in building strong institutions and improving performance, leveraging both local and external expertise where learning and collaboration occur both within and beyond local contexts.
- Innovations in Providing HIV Index Testing Services: A Retrospective Evaluation of Partner Elicitation Models in Southern Nigeria
The implementation of the elicitation box model to elicit sexual partners of HIV-positive index cases resulted in an increase in partner elicitation compared to the conventional model.