Latest Articles
- Applying a Three-Tier Approach to Address Gaps in Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Uptake and Continuity in Uganda: A Mixed Methods Approach
We introduced a transformative approach consisting of a gap analysis and root cause analysis to understand and address significant gaps in enrollment and continuity on oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and a national quality improvement collaborative to map interventions to address specific barriers in the PrEP cascade.
- National Policy Influences of Contraceptive Prevalence and Method Mix Strategy: A Longitudinal Analysis of 59 Low- and Middle-Income Countries, 2010–2021
Evidence from over a decade of Contraceptive Security Indicators survey data across 59 countries reveals a subset of finance, governance, and logistics policies that boost modern contraceptive prevalence rate and method-mix strategy.
- A Social Norms Analysis of Religious Drivers of Child Marriage
Social norms theory provides a useful analytical structure for understanding religious influences on drivers of child marriage. This framework can be used to examine religious influences on child marriage as part of contextual analysis for social and behavior change interventions.
- Budget Process and Execution: A Case Study on the Underperformance of the Peruvian Health System, 2000–2021
Four interconnected influences have caused the Peruvian health system to underperform. To break the influence of these cycles, the Ministry of Health needs to argue in economic terms to prioritize health.
- How Can Community Data Be Leveraged to Advance Primary Health Care? A Scoping Review of Community-Based Health Information Systems
Community-based health information systems (CBISs) play a critical role in generating and using community data to better understand community health needs; however, CBIS data are not effectively being integrated into routine national/subnational health information systems, limiting the scope of its use.
- Adopting Data to Care to Identify and Address Gaps in Services for Children and Adolescents Living With HIV in Mozambique
Real-time learning and implementation of the Data to Care strategy within the context of a large HIV intervention program in Mozambique provided a useful opportunity to evaluate, refine, and scale up this evidence-based approach to improve outcomes for children and adolescents living with HIV.
- Implementation and Cost Analysis of a Novel Silicosis Case-Finding Program For Mine Workers in Rural Rwanda
Implementing occupational lung disease case-finding in resource-limited settings is clinically and economically feasible and can be integrated into routine noncommunicable disease case-finding.
- Current Approaches to Following Up Women and Newborns After Discharge From Childbirth Facilities: A Scoping Review
This review found that follow-up after childbirth can be implemented using a variety of methods after discharge with high response rates in most studies and have the potential to be integrated into routine health care approaches.
- Interventions to Improve the Reproductive Health of Undocumented Female Migrants and Refugees in Protracted Situations: A Systematic Review
Evidence from a systematic review shows that subsidizing health care, strengthening health services, and implementing educational interventions have positive effects on undocumented migrant women and female refugees’ sexual and reproductive health outcomes.
- Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Sexual and Reproductive Health Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
There is an urgent need to better understand the role of climate change on sexual and reproductive health outcomes, particularly among adolescent girls and young women in low- and middle-income countries. Stakeholders at all levels should apply a rights-based, gendered approach to climate action and adaptation.