Latest Articles
- Harnessing the Power of Behavioral Science: An Implementation Pilot to Improve the Quality of Maternity Care in Rural Madagascar
Applying a behavioral design methodology resulted in cocreating 4 innovative solutions to improve provider's compliance with postpartum hemorrhage management protocols in rural Madagascar to help improve the quality of maternity care.
- Lessons From a Behavior Change Intervention to Improve Provider-Parent Partnerships and Care for Hospitalized Newborns and Young Children in Kenya
Strengthening provider-parent partnerships through improved communication enhances the respectful, responsive quality of newborn and young child care, which is critical to positive health outcomes.
- Results From a Multimethod Exploratory Scale Development Process to Measure Authoritarian Provider Attitudes in Democratic Republic of Congo and Togo
Provider attitudes are a recognized driver of provider behaviors that may influence client behaviors & outcomes–the authors present a scale development & validation process resulting in survey items measuring authoritarian provider attitudes.
- Six Recommendations for Provider Behavior Change in Family Planning
Future provider behavior change interventions in FP/RH should engage a wider range of provider cadres and apply varied behavior change strategies, using a systems approach to address the holistic set of factors that influence provider behavior.
- Applying a Power and Gender Lens to Understanding Health Care Provider Experience and Behavior: A Multicountry Qualitative Study
Applying a power lens to understand provider behavior illuminates how interpersonal, social, and structural relations influence health care providers' power to provide high-quality care.
- Health System Strengthening Through Professional Midwives in Bangladesh: Best Practices, Challenges, and Successes
The authors detail the establishment of the profession of globally standard midwives deployed into the national health care system in Bangladesh that improved the quality and availability of sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, and adolescent health services.
- Applying a Power Analysis to Everything We Do: A Qualitative Inquiry to Decolonize the Global Health and Development Project Cycle
This study contributes evidence characterizing the legacy of colonialism in global health and development and reinforces calls to recenter Global South expertise and leadership from the perspectives of experienced practitioners in the Global South and North.
- Unveiling Maternal Health Insights During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Pakistan: Using Causal Loop Diagrams to Illuminate and Prevent Unintended Policy Effects
The authors explain that using causal loop diagrams can visualize retrospectively the unintended negative consequences of COVID-19 related policies on maternal health and has potential to be used prospectively to foster decision-making to prevent those consequences.
- Calculating the Costs of Implementing Integrated Packages of Community Health Services: Methods, Experiences, and Results From 6 sub-Saharan African Countries
Authors of this article calculated the costs of implementing community health programs and compared the results across 6 sub-Saharan African countries, providing evidence for helping governments plan for sufficient resources for their effective implementation.
- Out-of-Pocket Expenditure for Antenatal Care Amid Free Health Care Provision: Evidence From a Large Pregnancy Cohort in Rural Sri Lanka
The authors report that even with the free health care services provided by the government, out-of-pocket expenditure for antenatal care in Sri Lanka is high, and women in low-income groups have a higher expenditure compared to higher-income groups.