Latest Articles
- Leveraging Responsive Feedback to Redesign a Demand Generation Strategy: Experience From the IntegratE Project in Lagos State, Nigeria
Authors detail using a responsive feedback approach to reflect on successes and challenges of an interpersonal communication agent strategy and adapt the strategy to address gaps in performance to increase contraceptive uptake.
- Research to Help Projects Operate Successfully
Operational research is central to project success; an explicit conceptual and operational model can underpin questions that merit attention, prioritizing those where doubt is high and where responsive changes are likely.
- Strengthening Social and Behavior Change Programming Through Application of an Adaptive Management Framework: A Case Study in Tanzania
The SBC Adaptive Management Framework, tested under the USAID Tulonge Afya project in Tanzania, offers a systematic, evidence-informed, and participatory approach to strengthen program design and implementation and enhance outcomes.
- Designing and Implementing the Adaptive Learning Meeting Cycle: The (re)solve Project Experience in Burkina Faso
The (re)solve project's adaptive learning meeting cycle allows programs to adapt while responding to the program implementation context. In Burkina Faso, it also created a team culture that engendered dialogue, problem-solving, and continuous improvement.
- Adaptive Interventions to Promote Change in the 21st Century: The Responsive Feedback Approach
The RF approach is a framework of intervention development that aims to collect timely data that serve as feedback and provide flexibility, agility, and adaptability to intervention planners and implementers to make changes that enhance their success.
- Improving State Government's Responsiveness to Family Planning Interventions in Nigeria Using an Innovative Reflection and Action Tool
Use of a responsive feedback tool improved government-led family planning programming by enabling reflection, monitoring of capacity-building, and action planning.
- Evidence for Decision-Making: The Importance of Systematic Data Collection as an Essential Component of Responsive Feedback
The authors discuss the importance of systematic data collection as a central component of the responsive feedback process and highlight several case studies that illustrate continuous learning and improvement.
- Harnessing the Power of Behavioral Science: An Implementation Pilot to Improve the Quality of Maternity Care in Rural Madagascar
Applying a behavioral design methodology resulted in cocreating 4 innovative solutions to improve provider's compliance with postpartum hemorrhage management protocols in rural Madagascar to help improve the quality of maternity care.
- Lessons From a Behavior Change Intervention to Improve Provider-Parent Partnerships and Care for Hospitalized Newborns and Young Children in Kenya
Strengthening provider-parent partnerships through improved communication enhances the respectful, responsive quality of newborn and young child care, which is critical to positive health outcomes.
- Results From a Multimethod Exploratory Scale Development Process to Measure Authoritarian Provider Attitudes in Democratic Republic of Congo and Togo
Provider attitudes are a recognized driver of provider behaviors that may influence client behaviors & outcomes–the authors present a scale development & validation process resulting in survey items measuring authoritarian provider attitudes.