Latest Articles
- Another Best Practice: Leveraging User and Stakeholder Perspectives to Improve and Refine Existing Medical Products
Refinement of existing medical products, which may already have an established evidence base, robust market, and experienced users, may better meet user and potential user needs, if feedback from key stakeholders is solicited and incorporated early in the refinement process.
- Do No Harm: A Review of Social Harms Associated with HIV Partner Notification
This narrative review provides an in-depth interpretation of the limited evidence available on social harms associated with HIV partner notification services. Findings reflect knowledge gaps and areas where future research could make contributions.
- Keeping the Customer Satisfied: Applying a Kano Model to Improve Vaccine Promotion in the Philippines
The authors show how global health science and practice can benefit from applying approaches established in other fields, such as consumer psychology and quality management, to increase clients' satisfaction with health interventions.
- Service Delivery Considerations for Introducing New Injectable Contraceptives Lasting 4 and 6 Months in Nigeria and Uganda: A Qualitative Study
Family planning stakeholders in Nigeria and Uganda are interested in expanding the range of injectable contraceptives offered in their countries, and their engagement will be key to ensuring the successful introduction and scale-up of these new products.
- Applying Human-Centered Design to Replicate an Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention: A Case Study of Binti Shupavu in Kenya
The human-centered design process has the potential to serve as a powerful tool for replication of evidence-based interventions, as demonstrated through the case study of Binti Shupavu in Kenya.
- Improving Malaria Case Management and Referral Relationships at the Primary Care Level in Ghana: Evaluation of a Quality Assurance Internship
The authors report that an innovative internship and mentoring program for community health officers in Ghana was associated with improved knowledge and skills related to malaria management, including timely, appropriate referrals for severe cases.
- Understanding the Mechanisms of Change in the Supportive and Respectful Maternity Care Intervention in Sindh, Pakistan: Provider Perspectives
The authors identify ways that a supportive and respectful maternity care intervention was implemented along multiple pathways–and concertedly with various health system components–to enable positive processes and behavioral change in maternity teams.
- Advocacy as a Tool for Advancing Family Planning in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Case Study
This article analyzes the processes used in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to achieve 4 advocacy wins—evidence that systematic efforts at policy advocacy can result in concrete outcomes.
- Lessons Learned From the Implementation of a School-Based Sexual Health Education Program for Adolescent Girls in Cape Town, South Africa
Community engagement and acceptability of sexual education programs for adolescents alone are insufficient to ensure program uptake and engagement.