Latest Articles
- Antenatal Care Interventions to Increase Contraceptive Use Following Birth in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis
Interventions delivered during the antenatal period that included a multifaceted package of initiatives appeared to be most likely to be effective at increasing voluntary postpartum contraception. By contrast, interventions with minimal counseling did not appear to be effective.
- Strengthening Capacity for Tailored Immunization Programs Using Adult Learning Principles: A Case Study from Nigeria
Incorporating participatory approaches such as adult learning principles in training PMs and HCWs improves their knowledge and skills in effectively engaging the communities and co-designing tailored interventions to improve vaccination uptake.
- FP2020 and FP2030 Country Commitments: A Mixed Method Study of Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Components
While FP2030 commitments better articulate strategies and activities to reach adolescents and youth with family planning (FP) information and services compared to FP2020 commitments, gaps remain. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, countries should continue to invest in creating and funding comprehensive FP commitments that meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents and youth.
- Twinning Partnership Network: A Learning and Experience-Sharing Network Among Health Professionals in Rwanda to Improve Health Services
Twinning and peer-to-peer learning networks can play a pivotal role in building strong institutions and improving performance, leveraging both local and external expertise where learning and collaboration occur both within and beyond local contexts.
- Innovations in Providing HIV Index Testing Services: A Retrospective Evaluation of Partner Elicitation Models in Southern Nigeria
The implementation of the elicitation box model to elicit sexual partners of HIV-positive index cases resulted in an increase in partner elicitation compared to the conventional model.
- Development and Piloting of Implementation Strategies to Support Delivery of a Clinical Intervention for Postpartum Hemorrhage in Four sub-Saharan Africa Countries
We describe the systematic approach taken to identify areas of suboptimal postpartum hemorrhage detection and management to develop implementation strategies to support the delivery of the E-MOTIVE intervention in 4 countries.
- Applying a Theory of Change for Human Resources Development in Public Health Supply Chains in Rwanda
The Human Resources for Supply Chain Management Theory of Change model enables users to assess how a country’s existing supply chain human resources system compares to the conditions necessary for optimized supply chain management workforce performance.
- People that Deliver: Established to Address the Health Supply Chain Workforce Gap
This commentary details the People that Deliver coalition’s work globally in the area of human resources for supply chain management and examines its role in improving the capacity of the health supply chain workforce in low- and middle-income countries.
- Presenting a Framework to Professionalize Health Supply Chain Management
The Supply Chain Management (SCM) Professionalisation Framework—a valuable tool to initiate awareness and advocacy in recognizing SCM professionals within national health systems—can be used to define and align SCM professional standards, competencies, and curricula, thus strengthening the labor market for health SCM professionals.
- Strategic Training Executive Program 2.0: A Leadership and Change Management Program for Health Supply Chains in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
STEP 2.0 is an innovative approach to developing leadership and change management competencies that will enable local supply chain management professionals to contribute to commodity and medicine availability, leading to improved health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.