More articles from Review
- Simulation-Based Education of Health Workers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review
Simulation-based education has been widely applied in low- and middle-income countries and has been shown to improve outcomes in a variety of contexts.
- Antenatal Care Interventions to Increase Contraceptive Use Following Birth in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis
Interventions delivered during the antenatal period that included a multifaceted package of initiatives appeared to be most likely to be effective at increasing voluntary postpartum contraception. By contrast, interventions with minimal counseling did not appear to be effective.
- Interventions to Address the Health and Well-Being of Married Adolescents: A Systematic Review
This review concludes that little research and programmatic attention is paid to the needs and vulnerabilities of married girls as if it were too late to reach them, and limited effort is made to address relationship dynamics and other conditions within marriage other than sexual and reproductive health.
- Facilitators and Barriers for Private Health Sector Engagement for TB Care in India: A Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Research
To strengthen the private sector engagement in TB care in India, several strategies should be considered, such as promoting nonfinancial incentives to private providers, establishing a coordination mechanism between public and private sectors, and simplifying data exchange mechanisms.
- How Can Community Data Be Leveraged to Advance Primary Health Care? A Scoping Review of Community-Based Health Information Systems
Community-based health information systems (CBISs) play a critical role in generating and using community data to better understand community health needs; however, CBIS data are not effectively being integrated into routine national/subnational health information systems, limiting the scope of its use.
- Current Approaches to Following Up Women and Newborns After Discharge From Childbirth Facilities: A Scoping Review
This review found that follow-up after childbirth can be implemented using a variety of methods after discharge with high response rates in most studies and have the potential to be integrated into routine health care approaches.
- Interventions to Improve the Reproductive Health of Undocumented Female Migrants and Refugees in Protracted Situations: A Systematic Review
Evidence from a systematic review shows that subsidizing health care, strengthening health services, and implementing educational interventions have positive effects on undocumented migrant women and female refugees’ sexual and reproductive health outcomes.
- When a Toolkit Is Not Enough: A Review on What Is Needed to Promote the Use and Uptake of Immunization-Related Resources
While resources like toolkits and guidance play an important role in promoting adherence to evidence-based practice in the administration of routine immunization programs, simply creating these resources is not enough. More work is needed to understand how to promote uptake and use of these resources by routine immunization programs.
- Do No Harm: A Review of Social Harms Associated with HIV Partner Notification
This narrative review provides an in-depth interpretation of the limited evidence available on social harms associated with HIV partner notification services. Findings reflect knowledge gaps and areas where future research could make contributions.
- Software Tools to Facilitate Community-Based Surveillance: A Scoping Review
Authors of this review identified software tools that could be used for community-based public health surveillance and facilitate faster communication of potential outbreaks, reporting, and coordination of response efforts.