More articles from PROGRAM CASE STUDY
- Towards Ending AIDS: The Additional Role of HIV Self-Testing in Thailand
HIV self-testing is an additional intervention to increase individuals’ awareness of their HIV status and a key component in Thailand’s effort to end HIV/AIDS.
- Maturity Assessment of the Health Information System Using Stages of Continuous Improvement Methodology: Results From Serbia
A structural and well-defined approach to the comprehensive assessment of the fragmented health information system points to items that could be improved in future governance efforts.
- Learnings From an Innovative Model to Expand Access to a New and Underutilized Nonhormonal Contraceptive Diaphragm
Experiences with early introduction of the contoured Caya diaphragm provide a new model for increasing access to new and underutilized methods, especially through private-sector partners.
- Strengthening Capacity for Tailored Immunization Programs Using Adult Learning Principles: A Case Study from Nigeria
Incorporating participatory approaches such as adult learning principles in training PMs and HCWs improves their knowledge and skills in effectively engaging the communities and co-designing tailored interventions to improve vaccination uptake.
- Twinning Partnership Network: A Learning and Experience-Sharing Network Among Health Professionals in Rwanda to Improve Health Services
Twinning and peer-to-peer learning networks can play a pivotal role in building strong institutions and improving performance, leveraging both local and external expertise where learning and collaboration occur both within and beyond local contexts.
- Establishment of the First Institution-Based Poison Information Center in Nepal Through a Multilateral International Partnership
Through an innovative local and international partnership model, the first institution-based poison information center in Nepal was established in response to a mandate from the Nepal government, the high burden of toxicological emergencies in Nepal, and the known economic and health benefits of poison information centers.
- Strategic Training Executive Program 2.0: A Leadership and Change Management Program for Health Supply Chains in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
STEP 2.0 is an innovative approach to developing leadership and change management competencies that will enable local supply chain management professionals to contribute to commodity and medicine availability, leading to improved health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.
- Design and Implementation of Brief Interventions to Address Noncommunicable Diseases in Uzbekistan
Large-scale implementation of brief interventions to address behavioral risk factors of noncommunicable diseases in primary care health settings in Uzbekistan is limited by a lack of human resources, a supportive system, and clear incentives for clinicians.
- Implementation of School Nutrition Policies to Address Noncommunicable Diseases in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan
School nutrition policies are a promising approach to address the risk factors of noncommunicable diseases, but their large-scale implementation requires clear guidelines for coordination among various actors.
- Acceptability of an Incentivized Peer Referral Intervention to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Adults in Yopougon-Est, Côte d’Ivoire
A pilot intervention in Yopougon-Est, Côte d’Ivoire, found incentivizing recent COVID-19 vaccine recipients to refer peers for vaccination using paper coupons acceptable.