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- Delivering High-Quality Family Planning Services in Crisis-Affected Settings I: Program Implementation
Extending access to a wide variety of contraceptive methods, including long-acting reversible methods, is feasible in crisis-affected countries by focusing on best practices such as competency-based training, supply chain support, systematic supervision, and community mobilization. Prudent use of data helps drive program improvements.
- Getting closer to people: family planning provision by drug shops in Uganda
Private drug shops can effectively provide contraceptive methods, especially injectables, complementing government services. Most drug shop clients in 4 peri-urban areas of Uganda were continuing users of DMPA; had switched from other providers, mainly government clinics, because the drug shops had fewer stock-outs and were more convenient (closer location, shorter waiting time, more flexible hours); and were satisfied with the quality of services. The drug shops provided a substantial part of the total market share for family planning services in their areas.
- Demand generation activities and modern contraceptive use in urban areas of four countries: a longitudinal evaluation
Demand generation activities that were significantly associated with increased use of modern contraception in India (Uttar Pradesh), Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal included: (1) community outreach activities, such as home visits and group discussions about family planning; (2) local radio programs; and (3) branded slogans and print materials circulated widely across the city. Television programming was also significant in India and Nigeria. Exposure to more activities may increase women's likelihood of using contraception.
- Using behavior change communication to lead a comprehensive family planning program: the Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative
Greater exposure to a comprehensive family planning program in urban Nigeria that emphasized demand generation and communication theory was associated with improved ideation among women (their beliefs, ideas, and feelings about family planning), and more positive ideation was associated with greater contraceptive use, especially among the poor. Improving providers' knowledge, attitudes, and skills was also key. By the end of the observation period, outreach through mobile service delivery contributed nearly one-half of the project clinics' family planning services.
- Strengthening government management capacity to scale up HIV prevention programs through the use of Technical Support Units: lessons from Karnataka state, India
A Technical Support Unit of managerial and technical experts, embedded in but distinct from the government, provided support in 5 key areas: strategic planning; monitoring and evaluation; supportive supervision; training; and information, education, and communication. This model likely contributed to effective and rapid scale up of Karnataka state's HIV prevention program. A clear mandate, close collaboration, and well-defined roles were keys to success.
- Policy and programmatic considerations for introducing a longer-acting injectable contraceptive: perspectives of stakeholders from Kenya and Rwanda
Unique attributes of a longer-acting injectable would likely appeal to both existing injectable users and new clients, both for spacing and for limiting births, and allow health systems to operate more efficiently. Considerations for enhancing successful introduction of this potential new method include keeping the cost low, expanding access through community-based distribution, and training providers to improve practices about injectables in general.
- Integrating family planning into postpartum care through modern quality improvement: experience from Afghanistan
Modern quality improvement approaches enabled hospital staff to analyze barriers and identify solutions for “how” to integrate family planning into postpartum care. Private spaces for postpartum family planning (PPFP) counseling, along with involving husbands and mothers-in-law in counseling, substantially increased the percentage of women receiving PPFP counseling and their preferred method before discharge. Self-reported pregnancy was also significantly lower up to 18 months post-discharge compared with women receiving routine services.