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- Toward a Systematic Approach to Generating Demand for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Insights and Results From Field Studies
Using an analytical framework to design and implement voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) programs can lead to more effective interventions, especially when insights are incorporated from disciplines such as behavioral science and commercial market research. Promising VMMC behavior change practices: (1) address individual, interpersonal, and environmental barriers and facilitators; (2) tailor messages to men’s behavior change stage and focus on other benefits besides HIV prevention, such as hygiene and sexual pleasure; (3) include women as a key target audience; (4) engage traditional and religious leaders; (5) use media to promote positive social norms; and (6) deploy community mobilizers to address individual concerns.
- Predictors of Essential Health and Nutrition Service Delivery in Bihar, India: Results From Household and Frontline Worker Surveys
Only about 35% of sample households reported receiving immunization, food supplements, pregnancy care information, or nutrition information. Monetary incentives for such product-oriented services as immunization improved performance and may have spillover effects for information-oriented services. Immunization day events and good frontline worker recordkeeping also improved service delivery.
- Establishing and Scaling-Up Clinical Social Franchise Networks: Lessons Learned From Marie Stopes International and Population Services International
Family planning social franchising has succeeded in countries with an active private sector serving low- and middle-income clients, with services provided mostly by mid-level providers, such as nurses and midwives. Key support for social franchising includes: clinical training and supportive supervision, help building sustainable businesses, marketing and demand creation, and mechanisms to make services affordable for clients. The forward agenda includes selectively introducing other priority health services, improving cost-effectiveness of the model, and promoting sustainability and health system integration.
- Private-Sector Social Franchising to Accelerate Family Planning Access, Choice, and Quality: Results From Marie Stopes International
In just 7 years, Marie Stopes International (MSI) has scaled-up social franchising across Africa and Asia, from 7 countries to 17, cumulatively reaching an estimated 3.75 million clients including young adults and the poor. In 2014, 68% of clients chose long-acting reversible contraceptives, and many clients were adopters of family planning. Service quality and efficiency (couple-years of protection delivered per outlet) also improved significantly.
- Female Health Workers at the Doorstep: A Pilot of Community-Based Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Service Delivery in Northern Nigeria
Deployment of resident female Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs) to a remote rural community led to major and sustained increases in service utilization, including antenatal care and facility-based deliveries. Key components to success: (1) providing an additional rural residence allowance to help recruit and retain CHEWs; (2) posting the female CHEWs in pairs to avoid isolation and provide mutual support; (3) ensuring supplies and transportation means for home visits; and (4) allowing CHEWs to perform deliveries.
- Predictors of Workforce Retention Among Malawian Nurse Graduates of a Scholarship Program: A Mixed-Methods Study
Several non-remuneration strategies may help improve retention of public-sector nurses: availability of supplies, adequate housing, advancement opportunities, and a positive work environment. A scholarship program with close follow-up of graduates may also help improve retention.
- Delivering High-Quality Family Planning Services in Crisis-Affected Settings I: Program Implementation
Extending access to a wide variety of contraceptive methods, including long-acting reversible methods, is feasible in crisis-affected countries by focusing on best practices such as competency-based training, supply chain support, systematic supervision, and community mobilization. Prudent use of data helps drive program improvements.
- Successful Proof of Concept of Family Planning and Immunization Integration in Liberia
Mobilizing vaccinators to provide mothers key family planning information and referrals to co-located, same-day family planning services was feasible in resource-limited areas of Liberia, leading to substantial increases in contraceptive use. Conversely, impact on immunization rates was less clear, but at a minimum there was no decrease in doses administered.
- A Resource Planning Analysis of District Hospital Surgical Services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
District hospitals in the DRC, on average, could not provide 21% of lifesaving surgical interventions due to deficiencies in basic infrastructure and essential surgical equipment and supplies. Surgery's important health impact and proportionally low service delivery budget argue for greater emphasis on surgical interventions, including for obstetric care.
- Delivering High-Quality Family Planning Services in Crisis-Affected Settings II: Results
A family planning program in 5 crisis-affected settings reached more than 52,000 new contraceptive users in just 2.5 years. Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) made up 61% of the method mix, with implants predominating in most countries. IUD use also increased over time as the program intensified its efforts to improve provider skills and user awareness. These findings demonstrate the strong popularity of LARCs and the feasibility of providing them in fragile settings even though they require more training and infrastructure support than short-acting methods.