More articles from COMMENTARY
- Continuous Community Engagement Is Needed to Improve Adherence to Ebola Response Activities and Survivorship During Ebola Outbreaks
Engaging communities in Ebola preparedness activities between Ebola outbreaks can not only improve community adherence to response interventions but also potentially help to improve survivorship in these communities during future Ebola outbreaks.
- A Social Norms Analysis of Religious Drivers of Child Marriage
Social norms theory provides a useful analytical structure for understanding religious influences on drivers of child marriage. This framework can be used to examine religious influences on child marriage as part of contextual analysis for social and behavior change interventions.
- The Thai Health Promotion Foundation: Two Decades of Joint Contributions to Addressing Noncommunicable Diseases and Creating Healthy Populations
Globally, the current investment in preventive care is inadequate and ineffective for addressing noncommunicable diseases and their causes. The Thai Health Promotion Foundation, with its sustainable funding from 2% levies on tobacco and alcohol, together with partners, has been used to address noncommunicable diseases effectively.
- Transforming Supply Logistics for Health Commodity Security in Africa
Current efforts to ensure health commodity security in Africa must be extended to include transforming existing public and private logistics infrastructure for inventory management into a state of prudent multiplicity while also considering efforts to improve product selection, demand quantification, procurement, and service delivery.
- Bangladesh: 50 Years of Advances in Health and Challenges Ahead
Bangladesh has inspired the rest of the world with its remarkable health achievements over the past half-century. A considerably stronger government investment in health care is now needed to achieve universal health coverage and “Health for All” in Bangladesh.
- Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Sexual and Reproductive Health Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
There is an urgent need to better understand the role of climate change on sexual and reproductive health outcomes, particularly among adolescent girls and young women in low- and middle-income countries. Stakeholders at all levels should apply a rights-based, gendered approach to climate action and adaptation.
- Conceptualizing Contraceptive Agency: A Critical Step to Enable Human Rights-Based Family Planning Programs and Measurement
We propose a detailed framework for contraceptive agency to serve as a rights-based guide for centering individuals’ ability to make and act on their own contraceptive choices, regardless of what those choices are, in program design and evaluation.
- COVID-19 Vaccination Integration: Efforts in 11 African Countries to Strengthen the Primary Health Care System
Efforts to integrate COVID-19 vaccination into the primary health care system in 11 African countries have been initiated through partnerships, collaborations, and leveraging existing infrastructure.
- Harmonizing Data Visualizations on Child Health and Well-Being to Strengthen Advocacy and Monitoring Efforts
Data visualization tools on child health have improved data accessibility but caused confusion over indicator data sources and which tools to use for specific purposes. We propose principles for generating future tools that can effectively trigger action and accountability for children everywhere.
- Advocacy for Better Integration and Use of Child Health Indicators for Global Monitoring
Making better use of harmonized indicators to monitor child health and well-being at the global level will avoid duplicative monitoring and evaluation exercises, improve evidence-based programming, and preserve resources that can be used to improve the quality of national data collection platforms.