Figures & Tables
Characteristics Cameroon Senegal Male circumcision rate 90% 80% Religion Catholic 40% 0% Protestant 30% 0% Muslim 20% 95% Other 10% 5% HIV prevalence 4.3% 0.7% Age at sexual debut Women 17.1 19.0 Men 18.7 22.7 ANC with skilled attendant (among women) 64% 94% PNC (among women) 58% 68% Place of birth of last child Public health facility 61% 69% Home 37% 27% Multiple sexual partners in the last 12 months Women 4% 0.3% Men 23% 8% Polygamy (among men) Urban 11% 5% Rural 16% 18% Total 13% 17% Knowledge of HIV Women 96% 95% Men 98% 97% Have had HIV test and know results Women 51% 28% Men 40% 17% No health insurance coverage Women 98% 94% Men 96% 92% Abbreviations: ANC, antenatal care; PNC, postnatal care.
Source of data: 2011 Demographic and Health Survey in Cameroon8 and a 2010–2011 Demographic and Health Survey – Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in Senegal.9
Region Facility Cameroon Southwest region (anglophone) Regional Hospital, Buea CMA, Limbe Littoral region (francophone) CMA Delange, Edea District Hospital, Pouma Central region, Yaounde (francophone) Central Hospital, Yaounde Hôpital Gynecologie Obstetrique et Pediatrique de Yaounde Senegal Western area: Tambacounda CS Diankhe Makhan Centre Hospitalier Regional de Tambacounda Central area: Kaffrine CSR Kaffrine CS Malem Hodar Eastern area: Dakar CS Camberene Hôpital Général de Grand Yoff Abbreviations: CMA, Centre Medical d’Arrondissement (district medical center); CS, centre de santé (health center); CSR, centre de santé regional (regional health center); EIMC, early infant male circumcision.
Cmuntry National Officers UNICEF Officials Regional and District Officers Total Cameroon 3 1 7 11 Senegal 2 2 6 10 Total 5 3 13 21 Abbreviation: UNICEF, United Nations Children’s Fund.
- TABLE 5 Number of Facilities Visited in Cameroon and Senegal Providing Selected Types of Services
Service Cameroon (N = 6) Senegal (N = 6) General OPD services 6 6 Antenatal care 6 6 HIV testing and counseling/PMTCT 6 6 Male circumcision 6 6 EIMC 5 5 EIMC counseling in ANC and postnatal care 3 2 Child health services 6 5 Laboratory services 6 5 Recommended immunization 6 4 Nutrition services 3 3 Abbreviations: ANC, antenatal care; EIMC, early infant male circumcision; OPD, outpatient department; PMTCT, prevention of mother-to-child transmission.
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GHSP-D-15-00185 Supplementary Material
Kenu et al. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-15-00185
- supplementary material - Kenu et al. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-15-00185