Figures & Tables
- TABLE 1 Characteristics of Clients Delivering in the Social Franchise Clinics (N = 728), by Uptake of the Postpartum IUD, Southern Nigeria, May 2014–February 2015
Accepted PPIUD (n = 300) Rejected PPIUD (n = 428) P Value Age, years <25, No. (%) 50 (16.7) 112 (26.2) ≥25, No. (%) 250 (83.3) 316 (73.8) .002 Median (IQR) 29 (26, 34) 28 (24, 32) <.001 Educational level, No. (%) None/primary 99 (33.0) 59 (13.8) Secondary 113 (37.7) 183 (42.8) Tertiary 88 (29.3) 186 (43.5) <.001 Marital status, No. (%) Single 22 (7.3) 7 (1.6) Married 278 (92.7) 421 (98.4) <.001 Parity 0–1, No. (%) 8 (2.7) 101 (23.6) 2–3, No. (%) 70 (23.3) 199 (46.5) 4–5, No. (%) 149 (49.7) 98 (22.9) ≥6, No. (%) 73 (24.3) 30 (7.0) <.001 Median (IQR) 4 (3, 5) 3 (2, 4) <.001 No. of living children 0–1, No. (%) 9 (3.0) 102 (30.2) 2–3, No. (%) 106 (35.3) 172 (50.9) 4–5, No. (%) 151 (50.3) 58 (17.2) ≥6, No. (%) 34 (11.3) 6 (1.8) <.001 Median (IQR) 4 (3, 5) 2 (1, 3) <.001 Previous use of contraception, No. (%) No 219 (73.0) 250 (58.4) Yes 81 (27.0) 178 (41.6) <.001 Insertion technique, No. (%) Manual 77 (25.7) NA Forceps 223 (74.3) NA PPIUD expelled, No. (%) No 275 (91.7) NA Yes 25 (8.3) NA Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; NA, not applicable; PPIUD, postpartum intrauterine device.
P value derived from chi-square test for categorical variables and from Wilcoxon's rank-sum test for continuous variables.
- TABLE 2 Multivariate Analysis of Factors Associated With Postpartum IUD Uptake, Southern Nigeria, May 2014–February 2015
Crude OR (95% CI) Adjusted OR (95% CI) P Value Age, years <25 1 1 ≥25 1.77 (1.22, 2.57) 1.01 (0.61, 1.67) .97 Educational level Tertiary 1 1 Secondary 1.31 (0.92, 1.84) 1.05 (0.68, 1.64) .82 None/primary 3.55 (2.35, 5.35) 2.03 (1.20, 3.42) .008 Marital status Married 1 1 Single 4.76 (2.01, 11.29) 6.76 (1.82, 25.07) .004 Parity 0–1 1 1 2–3 4.44 (2.06, 9.59) 1.99 (0.48, 8.28) .34 4–5 19.20 (8.94, 41.20) 6.30 (1.36, 28.72) .02 ≥6 30.72 (13.32, 70.88) 5.81 (1.15, 29.27) .03 No. of living children 0–1 1 1 2–3 6.95 (3.39, 14.40) 4.56 (1.19, 17.45) .03 4–5 29.51 (14.00, 62.20) 8.30 (1.97, 35.03) .004 ≥6 64.22 (21.30, 193.61) 17.76 (3.07, 102.85) .001 Previous contraceptive use No 1 1 Yes 0.72 (0.61, 0.85) 0.68 (0.55, 0.84) <.001 Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; IUD, intrauterine device; OR, odds ratio.