CONTEXTUAL FACTORS | To what extent is the political environment ready for a health program transition? | Score on World Bank Governance Index % government budget spent on health % government budget spent on health program of interest
To what extent is the economic situation ready for a health program transition? | |
To what extent is there community support for the health program to transition? | |
To what extent is the severity and scope of the health problem addressed by the program to transition? | % geographic coverage of program # deaths or cases averted due to health program % service delivery coverage target addressed by health program # vulnerable populations reached by health program
PRE-TRANSITION | To what extent has a core set of transition stakeholders been identified? | Donor and program recipient have agreed on key stakeholders for transition, including communities/beneficiaries, civil society, etc. Transition team representing key stakeholders has been established
To what extent has this core set of transition stakeholders agreed on transition objectives? | |
To what extent have the transition objectives been planned for, including monitoring and evaluation? | |
To what extent have budget allocations been made for transition, including M&E of transition? | |
Leadership | To what extent is there clear commitment from the political level for program service delivery over the long term? | |
To what extent is there transparent government leadership and management? | |
To what extent have local authorities incorporated the demands of program service delivery into their routine operations? | |
To what extent do local stakeholders believe that the health program is a valuable and effective investment of their time and resources? | |
Financing | To what extent does the program recipient have transparent systems to develop and maintain budgets and expenditures? | |
To what extent have financial responsibilities been transferred from donor to program recipient? | |
To what extent has program recipient secured adequate funding to sustain program? | |
Programming | To what extent is there technical, managerial, and financial capacity within the program recipient to effectively deliver key health program services? | % of required supervision sessions that occur % health program recipient staff qualified for financial management % supervisory or managerial position vacant at health program recipient
To what extent have any shortages in capacity been identified? | |
To what extent are training/capacity-building activities occurring or planned to address gaps in capacity? | |
Service delivery | To what extent are budgetary and financial systems aligned with those of the program recipients? | |
To what extent are reporting structures aligned with those of the program recipients? | |
To what extent are service delivery or procurement guidelines aligned with those of the program recipients? | |
To what extent do the program M&E systems align with the host country’s M&E systems? | |
INSTITUTIONALIZATION | To what extent are the key features of the original service maintained in the program post-transition? | |
Is there a regular budget line and allocation to support implementation of this program? | |
To what extent is the program reflected in routine norms and guidelines? | |
Is the health program viewed as a success by key administrators and program implementers? | |
SUSTAINED SERVICES AND OUTCOMES | To what extent is the program recipient controlling and managing delivery of essential program services? | |
How has the quality of program services changed? | |
How has the coverage of program services changed after transition? | |
How have key outcome indicators and key health outcome indicators relating to the health program changed? | |
How was the transition experience overall? | % program administrators and implementers who suggest the overall program changed significantly as compared with pre-transition % program administrators and implementers describing the transition as smooth