Index by author
Abebaw, Zeleke
- Open AccessThe Impact of Health Information System Interventions on Maternal and Child Health Service Utilizations in Ethiopia: A Quasi-Experimental StudyAbebaw Gebeyehu Worku, Wubshet Denboba Midekssa, Hibret Alemu Tilahun, Hiwot Tadesse Belay, Zeleke Abebaw, Afrah Mohammedsanni, Naod Wendrad, Mesoud Mohammed, Shemsedin Omer Mohammed, Amanuel Biru and Benti Ejeta FutassaGlobal Health: Science and Practice December 2024, 12(6):2400145;
Implementing health information system interventions to improve data quality improved the use of data for evidence-based decision-making at different health system levels and increased maternal and child health service utilization.
Abimiku, Alash’le
- Open AccessHybrid Mentorship of Medical Laboratories to Achieve ISO 15189:2012 Accreditation in Malawi: The University of Maryland Malawi ExperienceHannaniah Moyo, Sophia Osawe, Charles Nyangulu, Philemon Ndhlovu, Visopo Harawa, Oscar Divala, Malango Msukwa, Talishiea Croxton, Natalia Blanco, Dyson Mwandama, Memory Mkandawire, Elizabeth Kampira, Muluken Kaba, Alice Maida, Andrew F. Auld, Lindsay Kim, Reuben Mwenda, Howard Kress, James Kandulu, Thresa Sumani, Joseph Bitilinyu, Thokozani Kalua and Alash’le AbimikuGlobal Health: Science and Practice December 2024, 12(6):e2400254;
We describe a valuable hybrid mentorship and training model for supporting medical laboratories in low-resource settings in improving laboratory quality management systems and achieving accreditation.
Agweyu, Ambrose
- Open AccessRecommendations for Using Health Service Coverage Cascades to Measure Effective Coverage for Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health Services or InterventionsKathleen Strong, Georgia Konstantinou, Ambrose Agweyu, Theresa Diaz, Debra Jackson, Minjoon Kim, Shogo Kubota, Hannah Leslie, Marzia Lazzerini, Tanya Marchant, Melinda Munos, Moise Muzigaba, Alicia Quach, Ashley Sheffel, Nuhu Yaqub and for the Life Stages Quality of Care Metrics Technical Working Group for Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and AgeingGlobal Health: Science and Practice December 2024, 12(6):e2400158;
Using health service coverage cascades to measure effective coverage for maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health services on a global scale is premature and requires further research and validation to reach consensus.
Ahmed, Jehan
- Open AccessUnderstanding Integrated Community Case Management Institutionalization Processes Within National Health Systems in Malawi, Mali, and Rwanda: A Qualitative StudyAlyssa L. Davis, Erica Felker-Kantor, Jehan Ahmed, Zachariah Jezman, Beh Kamate, John Munthali, Noella Umulisa and Oumar YattaraGlobal Health: Science and Practice December 2024, 12(6):e2300509;
Documenting and analyzing the processes of integrated community case management institutionalization across multiple country contexts can further understanding of institutionalization and development of practical sensemaking conceptual models.
Auld, Andrew F.
- Open AccessHybrid Mentorship of Medical Laboratories to Achieve ISO 15189:2012 Accreditation in Malawi: The University of Maryland Malawi ExperienceHannaniah Moyo, Sophia Osawe, Charles Nyangulu, Philemon Ndhlovu, Visopo Harawa, Oscar Divala, Malango Msukwa, Talishiea Croxton, Natalia Blanco, Dyson Mwandama, Memory Mkandawire, Elizabeth Kampira, Muluken Kaba, Alice Maida, Andrew F. Auld, Lindsay Kim, Reuben Mwenda, Howard Kress, James Kandulu, Thresa Sumani, Joseph Bitilinyu, Thokozani Kalua and Alash’le AbimikuGlobal Health: Science and Practice December 2024, 12(6):e2400254;
We describe a valuable hybrid mentorship and training model for supporting medical laboratories in low-resource settings in improving laboratory quality management systems and achieving accreditation.
Bakker, Wouter
- Open AccessSelf-Reflection as a Starting Point: Observations in Global Health ResearchWouter Bakker, Thomas van den Akker and Jelle StekelenburgGlobal Health: Science and Practice December 2024, 12(6):e2300381;
As researchers in global health, we reflect on the inequities in our work and our own struggles with these inequities and suggest some points to consider to address them in future global health work.
Banda, Thokozire
- Open AccessEarly Outcomes of Mental Health Screening Integrated Into Routine HIV Care in MalawiElijah Chikuse, Christine Hagstrom, Deanna Smith, Thokozire Banda, Harrison Chimbaka, Zinaumaleka Nkhoma, Martin Samuko, John Lichenya, Risa Hoffman, Joseph Njala, Sam Phiri, Khumbo Phiri and Joep J. van OosterhoutGlobal Health: Science and Practice December 2024, 12(6):e2300517;
Mental health screening for people living with HIV, conducted mostly by lay cadre health workers, was successfully integrated into antiretroviral therapy clinics in Malawi.
Banke-thomas, Aduragbemi
- Open AccessEmergency Obstetric Care Access Dynamics in Kampala City, Uganda: Analysis of Women’s Self-Reported Care-Seeking PathwaysCatherine Birabwa, Lenka Beňová, Josefien van Olmen, Aline Semaan, Peter Waiswa and Aduragbemi Banke-ThomasGlobal Health: Science and Practice December 2024, 12(6):e2400242;
The findings of this cross-sectional survey suggest that care pathways of women with obstetric complications in Kampala often involve at least 2 formal providers and reflect possible inefficiencies in the referral process, including potential delays and unnecessary steps.
Batyrgaliev, Ulukbek
- Open AccessAdvocating for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Central AsiaUlukbek BatyrgalievGlobal Health: Science and Practice December 2024, 12(6):e2400207;
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth in Central Asia face challenges due to the current sociopolitical context, and there is a pressing need for legal and policy reforms to align with the International Conference on Population and Development agenda.
Belay, Hiwot
- Open AccessEarly Effects of Information Revolution Interventions on Health Information System Performance in EthiopiaBarbara Knittel, Heather M. Marlow, Afrah Mohammedsanni, Abebaw Gebeyehu, Hiwot Belay and Wubshet DenbobaGlobal Health: Science and Practice December 2024, 12(6):e2300513;
Ethiopia’s shift to a digital health information system under the Information Revolution has laid a strong foundation for improved data quality. To fully realize the potential of this transformation, ongoing commitment to addressing key challenges in system integration and capacity-building is vital.
In this issue