IPCAs moving singly do not generate as much curiosity and attention of community members as when they move in groups. | IPCAs were grouped together to conduct community awareness. | Increased awareness of IPCAs' activities in communities visited. |
One IPCA working in a given community at a time does not have enough time for premobilization activities to the necessary community gatekeepers and local chiefs to create an enabling environment. | IPCAs working as a group are assigned responsibilities that are previously carried out by 1 IPCA. | Group mobilization affords the IPCAs the opportunity to carry out more detailed premobilization activities to necessary gatekeepers. |
Nonavailability of trained providers during mobilization of clients to CP/PPMV outlets. Trained providers were not contacted to ascertain times they will be available to provide FP services, so most referred clients were not attended to, leading to missed opportunities for family planning. | There was shared understanding at the pause-and-reflect (break after and-) sessions of the need to schedule mobilization activities in collaboration with CPs and PPMVs to ascertain their availability and nature of other additional health services they provide aside from FP before mobilization. | Stronger relationship between IPCAs and trained providers. Potential clients referred to CPs and PPMVs had access to trained providers. |
Number of clients referred does not match the number of clients reporting to the CPs' and PPMVs' outlets. | It was suggested that during mobilization, some IPCAs should provide FP counseling while some IPCAs accompany referred clients to trained providers. | Increased number of clients that completed the referral process. |