Table of Contents
- Assessing Use, Usefulness, and Application of the High Impact Practices in Family Planning Briefs and Strategic Planning Guides
This study highlights the important role that products like the High Impact Practices in Family Planning briefs and strategic planning guides have in increasing accessibility of evidence and experiential knowledge and informing public health practices and programs.
- Defining Collective Priorities: Research and Learning Agendas for Family Planning Across 6 Countries
Policymakers and national stakeholders can cocreate FP research and learning agendas to identify and prioritize evidence gaps and foster responsive research, thereby driving progress toward increasingly evidence-based FP programming and policy.
- Individual, Community, and Health Facility Predictors of Postnatal Care Utilization in Rural Tanzania: A Multilevel Analysis
PNC visits are an opportunity to promote physical and emotional recovery, offer infant care and feeding advice, detect and treat postpartum complications, and discuss birth spacing. Offering PNC in nearby health facilities with adequate quality of care can increase usage rates.
- Evaluating Country Performance After Transitioning From Gavi Assistance: An Applied Synthetic Control Analysis
After transitioning from Gavi support, most countries in this analysis maintained or improved key outcomes compared to expected performance. Transition planning should include assessing risk factors and engaging country actors for post-transition assistance.
- Repeatability of Pulse Oximetry Measurements in Children During Triage in 2 Ugandan Hospitals
This analysis of spot measurements of oxygen saturation in children during routine triage in Ugandan hospitals indicates the importance of signal quality and duration of measurement in achieving repeatable pulse oximetry measurements.
- Can a Smartphone Application Help Address Barriers to Reporting Substandard/Falsified Medical Products? A Pilot Study in Tanzania and Indonesia
A training workshop & smartphone app for health care professionals to report suspected substandard or falsified medical products was found to be effective and more convenient than existing reporting systems.
- The Journey Toward Establishing Inpatient Care for Small and Sick Newborns in Ethiopia, India, Malawi, and Rwanda
Documenting the journey to establish inpatient care for small and sick newborns in Ethiopia, India, Malawi, and Rwanda, the authors showcase the remarkable progress and share lessons with stakeholders in other countries who aim to do the same.
- Digitalizing Clinical Guidelines: Experiences in the Development of Clinical Decision Support Algorithms for Management of Childhood Illness in Resource-Constrained Settings
Clinical decision support systems can strengthen the quality of IMCI but can vary because of the need for interpretation when translating narrative guidelines into decision logic combined with considerations of context and design choices.
Delivering sexual and reproductive health services to migrating and displaced populations is complex. The authors provide 4 recommendations drawing on their experience across Africa and Asia.