HIS resource | | |
HIS infrastructure at facility level (average score) | 82 | 81, 83 |
eHIS tools availability score | 39 | 38, 40 |
Number of staff with training on HIS topics at facility level 1 year prior to survey (average score) | 7.8 | 7.4, 8.1 |
Percentage of facilities with at least 1 trained staff in any HIS topics | 72 | 70, 74 |
Data management | | |
Data quality control practices (average score) | 72 | 71, 74 |
Level of data analysis practice (average score) | 68 | 67, 69 |
Data visualization practice | 86 | 84, 87 |
Presence of feedback mechanism | 92 | 90, 93 |
Data qualitya | | |
Source document completeness: all three months complete | 73 | 71, 75 |
Data accuracy: acceptable range (90%–110%) | 74 | 72, 76 |
Data accuracy: overreporting (<90%) | 20 | 19, 22 |
Data accuracy: underreporting (>110%) | 6 | 5, 7 |
Data use | | |
Use of routine data for RHIS quality improvement (average score) | 45 | 43, 46 |
Use of routine data for performance review and evidence-based decision making (average score) | 50 | 48, 51 |
Use of data for annual plan and target setting | 84 | 83, 85 |
Use of data to produce narrative analytical reports | 31 | 29, 32 |