Table of Contents
- Does Quality Certification Work? An Assessment of Manyata, a Childbirth Quality Program in India’s Private Sector
Manyata, a quality improvement initiative for labor room staff at private facilities in India, yielded increased knowledge among staff, increased adherence to evidence-based practices, and a suggestive decrease in referrals but no change in facility-reported health outcomes.
- Determinants of Maternal Diet Quality in Winter in the Kyrgyz Republic
Contrary to cultural dietary preferences, mothers in the Kyrgyz Republic maintained minimum diet diversity during winter through access to markets and by growing, preserving, and storing foods.
- How Do Private Providers Unaffiliated With the Nigeria National TB Program Diagnose and Treat Drug-Susceptible TB Patients? A Cross-Sectional Study
Private providers unaffiliated with the National TB Program (NTP) in Nigeria are not diagnosing or treating drug-susceptible TB patients according to NTP guidelines, resulting in an urgent need to engage non-NTP providers and improve the quality of their TB services.
- Improving Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation Among Pregnant Women: An Implementation Science Approach in East-Central Uganda
An implementation science approach helped successfully identify and address key bottlenecks to the availability of iron and folic acid supplementation for pregnant women attending antenatal care clinics in East-Central Uganda.
- Assessing Sustainability Factors for Rural Household Sanitation Coverage in Bhutan, Kenya, Nepal, and Zambia: A Qualitative Analysis
This study identified factors that either supported or hindered the sustainability of household sanitation coverage. The presence or absence of these factors may have implications on where certain programmatic approaches will work and where adaptations may be required.
- A Comprehensive Approach to Medical Oxygen Ecosystem Building: An Implementation Case Study in Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia
A social enterprise model was successfully implemented in Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia that centers the production and distribution of medical oxygen at referral hospitals and equips them to act as supply hubs that help meet regional demand for affordable supply.
- When Knowledge Is Not Enough: Applying a Behavioral Design Approach to Improve Fever Case Management in Nigeria
Analyzing fever case management through a behavioral lens can lead programs to solutions that differ from conventional approaches in terms of type and deployment method.
- Living Safely With Bats: Lessons in Developing and Sharing a Global One Health Educational Resource
The Living Safely With Bats picture book development process provides a model for collaboratively creating educational resources to combat zoonotic disease spillover risk. We discuss lessons learned from the process and future considerations for tool development and evaluation.
- Interventions to Improve the Reproductive Health of Undocumented Female Migrants and Refugees in Protracted Situations: A Systematic Review
Evidence from a systematic review shows that subsidizing health care, strengthening health services, and implementing educational interventions have positive effects on undocumented migrant women and female refugees’ sexual and reproductive health outcomes.
- Preexposure Prophylaxis Among Pregnant and Lactating People in 18 PEPFAR-Supported Countries: A Review of HIV Strategies and Guidelines
The use of preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a safe, efficacious method to prevent HIV infections among pregnant and lactating people (PLP) and their infants. Despite growing support for PrEP use among PLP and notable changes in national policies, many policy gaps persist.
- Cocreation in Health Workforce Planning to Shape the Future of the Health Care System in the Philippines
Cocreation in health workforce planning in the Philippines led to relationship building between policy makers and researchers who jointly identified solutions to address challenges in the health care system.
- A Community-Led Central Kitchen Model for School Feeding Programs in the Philippines: Learnings for Multisectoral Action for Health
A central kitchen model for implementing a school feeding program in the Philippines increased demand for local health interventions, empowered civil society, and held local governments accountable for multisectoral action in a decentralized government.
The Networks of Care approach has the potential to harmonize existing strategies and optimize health systems functions for maternal and newborn health, thereby strengthening the quality of care and ultimately improving outcomes.
A culturally based stigma intervention for pregnant women living with HIV in Gaborone, Botswana highlights the importance of conceptualizing and formalizing cultural adaptation across all stages of implementation.