A. Client demand | | | | |
1. What are the profile(s) of the clients who will use this product? | Xb | | X | X | X |
a. Is there or would there be demand for this product among subpopulations with high unmet need for FP (e.g., women in lower wealth quintiles, PP women, adolescents, WLHIV, PAC clients)? | (x)c | | (x) | (x) | (x) |
b. Will introduction of the hormonal IUD help reach new FP users (i.e., current non-users)? | X | | X | (x) | X |
c. To what degree will introduction of the hormonal IUD result in “switching” and from what methods? | X | | X | (x) | X |
2. Does the hormonal IUD have the potential to “revitalize” the IUD market in FP2020 countries? | | | | | |
a. Would demand for the hormonal IUD be higher than demand for the copper IUD has been? | | (x) | | (x) | (x) |
3. Would introduction of the hormonal IUD increase FP use overall/increase contraceptive prevalence rate(s)? | | | | | |
a. Can scale-up of this product help meet FP2020 goals? | | | | | |
4. How do continuation rates of the hormonal IUD compare to continuation rates of other LARCs? | (x) | | (x) | (x) | X |
5. Does immediate postpartum access to the hormonal IUD increase use of postpartum FP overall? | | | | | |
B. Marketing | | | | | |
6. What are effective demand creation strategies with different populations and in different sectors? | (x) | | (x) | | (x) |
7. Can promotion of FP including the hormonal IUD be integrated into other health sectors? | | | | (x) | |
C. Service delivery | | | | | |
8. How can we overcome barriers that have impacted provision of copper IUD when introducing hormonal IUD? | (x) | (x) | (x) | (x) | (x) |
9. What are health care providers' perceptions of this product? | X | X | X | X | X |
10. What are effective service delivery models for hormonal IUD provision? How does it differ by context? | (x) | (x) | (x) | (x) | (x) |
a. What are effective provider training strategies for the hormonal IUD? | | | | (x) | |
D. Noncontraceptive attributes | | | | | |
11. How does knowledge of noncontraceptive attributes of the hormonal IUD affect uptake and use? | X | (x) | (x) | | X |
a. What noncontraceptive attributes are most attractive to women in different contexts? | X | (x) | (x) | | X |
b. What noncontraceptive attributes are seen as most beneficial by providers? | X | (x) | (x) | (x) | X |
12. What are perceptions of amenorrhea among providers and various client segments? | (x) | (x) | (x) | (x) | X |
13. Can scale-up of the hormonal IUD help reduce rates of anemia? | | | | | |
E. Cost-effectiveness and pricing | | | | | |
14. To what extent is the hormonal IUD cost-effective compared to other FP methods including other LARCs? | | | | | X |
15. What is the willingness-to-pay for the hormonal IUD among different populations of clients/groups? | | | | | (x) |