Explicit governance, organizational, and management strategies to promote the integration of GHS and UHC at the subnational level | Align national and local priorities and policies to ensure that GHS remains a critical component of PHC priorities and strategies. |
Integrate the supply chain system with a focus on forecasting, transportation, storage, and stock management to promote efficiency, good stewardship of donated commodities, and limit waste. |
Strengthen cold chain supply systems. |
Integrate public health campaigns, including vaccinations, mass drug administration, and bed net distribution to ensure they are a planned aspect of district health program management rather than separate donor-driven efforts. |
Flexible finance systems that consider exceptional emergencies | Develop a transparent process for using local funds for emergency/outbreak response. |
Strengthen subnational budget oversight and encourage the use of transparent financial management systems. |
Coordination to institute clear lines of communication | Generate clear definitions of shared cross-cutting objectives and aligned leadership roles. |
Engage the community and multiple stakeholders in defining and addressing population health needs. |
Develop and implement plans for shared infrastructure that included international points of entry and the cross-border districts. |
Reboot mechanisms that promote sharing and collaborative use of data and analytics. |
Create an explicit platform for donor coordination at the subnational level with clear links to government systems and local partners as applicable. |
Integration of programs and institutions at the subnational level into a comprehensive range of preventive, curative, and rehabilitative health activities | Establish a senior-level position within the DHMT to coordinate HSS and GHS strategies. |
Strengthen the planning and management capacity of the DHMT with a focus on the mandate and the ability to integrate programs and institutions into a single, comprehensive district health system. |
Leverage resources from private-sector providers, including memoranda of understanding and public-private partnerships at district, facility, and community levels. |
Provide community health care workers with coordinated roles in pandemic prevention and response. |