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- Learnings From an Innovative Model to Expand Access to a New and Underutilized Nonhormonal Contraceptive Diaphragm
Experiences with early introduction of the contoured Caya diaphragm provide a new model for increasing access to new and underutilized methods, especially through private-sector partners.
- FP2020 and FP2030 Country Commitments: A Mixed Method Study of Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Components
While FP2030 commitments better articulate strategies and activities to reach adolescents and youth with family planning (FP) information and services compared to FP2020 commitments, gaps remain. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, countries should continue to invest in creating and funding comprehensive FP commitments that meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents and youth.
- Twinning Partnership Network: A Learning and Experience-Sharing Network Among Health Professionals in Rwanda to Improve Health Services
Twinning and peer-to-peer learning networks can play a pivotal role in building strong institutions and improving performance, leveraging both local and external expertise where learning and collaboration occur both within and beyond local contexts.
- Promoting Male Involvement in Family Planning: Insights From the No-Scalpel Vasectomy Program of Davao City, Philippines
The no-scalpel vasectomy program in Davao City, Philippines, serves as a promising model for engaging men in family planning and addressing gender disparities in such initiatives.
- Development and Piloting of Implementation Strategies to Support Delivery of a Clinical Intervention for Postpartum Hemorrhage in Four sub-Saharan Africa Countries
We describe the systematic approach taken to identify areas of suboptimal postpartum hemorrhage detection and management to develop implementation strategies to support the delivery of the E-MOTIVE intervention in 4 countries.
- Maturity Assessment of the Health Information System Using Stages of Continuous Improvement Methodology: Results From Serbia
A structural and well-defined approach to the comprehensive assessment of the fragmented health information system points to items that could be improved in future governance efforts.
- Improving Maternity Care Where Home Births Are Still the Norm: Establishing Local Birthing Centers in Guatemala That Incorporate Traditional Midwives
Comadronas (traditional midwives) strongly advocate for and participate in attending their clients’ births in local birthing centers in rural Guatemala, where Indigenous women have previously preferred home births because of geographic, sociocultural, and economic barriers to giving birth at a higher-level health facility.
- Documenting the Provision of Emergency Contraceptive Pills Through Youth-Serving Delivery Channels: Exploratory Mixed Methods Research on Malawi’s Emergency Contraception Strategy
Emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) uptake may increase for young people, first-time users, and those living in rural areas of Malawi by offering the method through public, youth-serving channels, especially youth clubs and community health workers. A national strategy focused specifically on this product can help grow ECP demand; however, the supply chain for ECPs must be strengthened to meet the additional demand.
- Early Lessons From Working With Local Partners to Expand Private-Sector Health Care Networks in Burundi and Mali
Expanding private health care delivery networks is possible through partnerships with local organizations. This article explores how expanded networks differ from traditional social franchise networks and discusses how they can support and steward private health care facilities in contexts like Burundi and Mali.
- Strengthening Capacity for Tailored Immunization Programs Using Adult Learning Principles: A Case Study from Nigeria
Incorporating participatory approaches such as adult learning principles in training PMs and HCWs improves their knowledge and skills in effectively engaging the communities and co-designing tailored interventions to improve vaccination uptake.