TABLE 1 Demographic Characteristics of Zambian Men Undergoing Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (N = 257) and Female Partners (N = 159) (Control and Intervention Arms)
Age, mean (SD), years26.4 (8.2)26.1 (8.0)
Employment status, No. (%)
 Employed111 (43%)45 (28%)
 Unemployed146 (57%)114 (72%)
Annual income,a No. (%)
 ≥ US $100120 (47%)69 (43%)
 < US $100137 (53%)90 (57%)
Education level, No. (%)
 ≥ 12 years of education190 (74%)90 (57%)
 < 12 years of education67 (26%)69 (43%)
Relationship status, No. (%)
 Married or cohabitating97 (38%)74 (47%)
 Not married/Not living with partner160 (62%)85 (53%)
Children, No. (%)
 At least one child88 (34%)82 (52%)
 No children169 (66%)77 (48%)
Desire for (more) children, No. (%)
 Yes103 (40%)70 (44%)
 No154 (60%)89 (56%)
  • Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.