TABLE 6. Mixed Logit Model Results for Program Inputs Influencing CHW Preferences in the Discrete Choice Experiment (N = 182)
Program InputModel Coefficients
Mean Estimate (SE)Standard Deviation Estimate (SE)
T-shirt, badge, and bicycle3.90a (1.41)1.24 (1.45)
Mobile phone, no airtime0.99b (0.41)
10,000 UGX transport refund0.77b (0.35)1.06 (0.77)
Yearly refresher training0.73b (0.34)1.22 (0.63)
T-shirt and badge1.97 (1.02)1.51 (0.86)
Quarterly supervisory visits in community0.70 (0.38)1.15 (0.70)
  • Abbreviations: CHW, community health worker; SE, standard error; UGX, Ugandan Shilling.

  • Number of observations = 1,092.

  • a P < .01.

  • b P < .05.