Eighteen Recommended Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators for Community-based Access to Injectable Contraception Programs

NumberIndicator DefinitionNumerator/Denominator
1.1Number of CHWs trained in providing injectable contraceptionNA
1.2Number of CHWs who passed a post-training test on injectable contraceptionNA
1.3 (n)
1.4 (%)
Number and percentage of CHWs certified to inject contraceptionaNumerator: 1.3
Denominator: 1.1
1.5 (n)
1.6 (%)
Number and percentage of CHWs certified to provide injectable contraception who express confidence in their skills and abilitiesNumerator: 1.5
Denominator: 1.3
1.7Number of training courses held on community-based provision of injectable contraceptionNA
2.1 (n)
2.2 (%)
Number and percentage of CHWs certified during the previous reporting period who received at least 1 in-person supportive supervision visit for providing injectable contraception within [x] months after successful completion of practicumaNumerator: 2.1
Denominator: 1.3
2.3 (n)
2.4 (%)
Number and percentage of CHWs supervised in-person at least once within [x] months after successful completion of practicum who demonstrated adequate skills at the time of first supervisionNumerator: 2.3
Denominator: 2.1
3.1 (n)
3.2 (%)
Number and percentage of CHWs certified in providing injectable contraception who have given an injection in the last quarterNumerator: 3.1
Denominator: 1.3
3.3 (n)
3.4 (%)
Number and percentage of villages/catchment areas with a CHW certified to provide injectable contraceptionNumerator: 3.1
Denominator: Total number of villages/catchment areas
3.5Number of households served per CHWNumerator: Number of households in a catchment area in the reporting period
Denominator: Total number of active CHWs in the catchment area in the reporting period
3.6 (n)
3.7 (%)
Number and percentage of CHWs reporting a stock-out of injectableaNumerator: 3.6
Denominator: 3.1
Service delivery
4.1Number of CHW-led mobilization eventsNA
4.2Number of one-on-one family planning counseling sessions held by CHWsNA
4.3Number of injections providedaNA
4.4Number of reportable incidents including accidental needle sticks, or infections or abscesses at the site of the injectionNA
Data quality
5.1 (n)
5.2 (%)
Number and percentage of CHWs submitting data reports on timeNumerator: 5.1
Denominator: 3.1
5.3 (n)
5.4 (%)
Number and percentage of CHWs submitting complete client data reportsNumerator: 5.3
Denominator: 3.1
5.5 (n)
5.6 (%)
Number and percentage of CHWs submitting reports with reasonable accuratenessNumerator: 5.5
Denominator: 3.1
  • Abbreviation: CHW, community health worker.

  • a Essential indicators.