Pre-Study Sociodemographic Characteristics of Study Participants, by Whether They Participated in the Post-Study Survey, Kaduna, Nigeria, 2017

Sociodemographic IndicatorParticipated in Post-Study Survey (n=92)Lost to Follow-Up: Did Not Participate in Post-Study Survey (n=129)Z (or t)/P for Difference Between Groups
Intervention group
Mean age, years26.626.20.653/.51
Currently married, %55.452.30.453/.56
Tertiary education, %
Muslim, %73.960.12.123/.03
Mean parity2.432.081.145/.25
Control group
Mean age, years27.226.80.777/.44
Currently married, %57.357.00.063/.95
Tertiary education, %35.427.91.470/.14
Muslim, %59.754.11.052/.29
Mean parity2.442.430.011/.99