Number and Yield of TB Referrals by Type of Provider and Quarter

Quarter and YearChest PhysicianGeneral PractitionerSpecialty PhysicianTotal
No. of ReferralsNo. of TB CasesYield (%)No. of ReferralsNo. of TB CasesYield (%)No. of ReferralsNo. of TB CasesYield (%)No. of ReferralsNo. of TB CasesYield (%)
Q4 2015402870.0463984.88675.0947377.7
Q1 2016814353.115410165.6321959.426716361.0
Q2 20161016059.41286953.9301550.025914455.6
Q3 20161106155.520710852.225936.034217852.0
Q4 20161094743.123310444.6481837.539016943.3
Q1 20171538253.638013936.6651726.259823839.8
Q2 20171517851.744315535.0773444.267126739.8
  • Abbreviations: Q, quarter; TB, tuberculosis.