Treatment Outcomes for Patients Without Confirmed RR-TB and Who Received Treatment Support Through EQUIP

Treatment OutcomesPatients Referred by:Total (n=868)
Chest Physicians (n=226)General Practitioners (n=513)Specialist Physicians (n=129)
Completed, No.182350108640
Cured, No.2110312136
Treatment success, No. (%)203 (89.8%)453 (88.3%)120 (93.0%)776 (89.4%)
Died, No.920534
Lost to follow-up, No.1329446
Transferred to private facility treatment, No.0202
Transferred to RNTCP facility treatment, No.1506
Treatment failure, No.0303
Still on treatment, No.0101
  • Abbreviations: EQUIP, Enhanced Use of Quality Drugs and Utilization of Innovative Diagnostics for TB Management in the Private Sector; RNTCP, Revised National TB Control Program; RR-TB, rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis.