Key Results at Baseline and Phase 2 Endline in the SMGL Learning Districts

SMGL IndicatorUgandaZambia
2012 Baseline2016 Phase 2 Endline% Change Baseline to Phase 2Significancea2012 Baseline2016 Phase 2 Endline% Change Baseline to Phase 2Significancea
Institutional MMR (per 100,000 live births)534300−44***370231−37.6***
Community MMR (per 100,000 live births)452255−44***480284−40.8***
Pre-discharge neonatal mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)8.47.6−10NS7.78.7+14NS
Institutional perinatal mortality rate (per 1,000 births)39.334.4−13***37.928.2−26***
Institutional total stillbirth rate (per 1,000 births)31.227.0−13***30.519.6−36***
Health facilities that report having a VHT (Uganda) or SMAG (Zambia) (%)1892+400***6493+46***
Institutional delivery rate (%)4667+47***6390+44***
Deliveries in EmONC facilities (%)2841+45***2629+12***
Deliveries in lower-level facilities (health center II, III) (%)1726+48***3761+67***
Facilities that report having an associated mother's shelter (%)04NANA2949+69***
Institutional deliveries supported by transport vouchers (%)624+277***Vouchers not provided in Zambia
Number of BEmONC facilities where the 7 signal functions were performed in last 3 months39+200NA38+167NA
Number of CEmONC facilities where the 9 signal functions were performed in last 3 months717+143NA45+25NA
24/7 services at health centers (%)7589+18NS6596+41***
Facilities reporting having performed newborn resuscitation in the previous 3 months (%)3488+155***2775+173***
Facilities providing active management of the third stage of labor (%)7596+28***7296+33***
Population-based cesarean delivery rate (%)5.39.0+71***2.74.8+79***
Hospitals that currently have at least 1 long-acting family planning method (%)6394+51**5075+50NS
Number of women receiving PMTCT treatment12622155+71NA9301036+11NA
Hospitals conducting maternal death audits or reviews (%)3194+201***50100+100NA
Health facilities that did not experience stock-outs of oxytocin in the last 12 months (%)5682+46***7575−0.4NS
Health facilities that did not experience stock-outs of magnesium sulfate in the last 12 months (%)4864+34***2043+115***
  • Abbreviations: EmONC, emergency obstetric and newborn care; BEmONC, basic emergency obstetric and newborn care; CEmONC, comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care; MMR, maternal mortality ratio; NA, not applicable; NS, nonsignificant; SMAG, Safe Motherhood Action Group; VHT, Village Health Team; PMTCT, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

  • a *** P <.01; ** P <.05; * P <.10. NA in cases where significance testing was not warranted.

  • Source: Serbanescu et al.38