Reasons for Choosing the LNG IUS (N=326)a

ReasonaNo. (%)
Reduced menstrual bleeding197 (61.4)
It lasts for a long time167 (52.0)
Effective157 (48.9)
Nobody will know134 (41.7)
It is convenient/don't need to do anything100 (31.3)
Won't affect future fertility98 (30.7)
Few side effects86 (26.9)
Recommended by friend or family63 (19.7)
Don't want more children59 (18.5)
Want to delay pregnancy for at least 2 years54 (17.0)
Can use while breastfeeding51 (16.0)
Affordable here39 (12.3)
Other11 (3.3)
Not sure3 (0.9)
  • Abbreviation: LNG IUS, levonorgestrel intrauterine system.

  • a Source: Supplementary LNG IUS client data collected at time of service. 326 women gave at least 1 response to this question; the women could provide multiple responses and responses were offered spontaneously.