Mapping of Key Audiences to Communication Objectives, BCC Activities, and BCC Tools

LevelAudienceCommunication ObjectivesDescription of BCC ActivityBCC Materials/Tools
Village/tola/community levelPrimary audience:
  • Patients and families in the endemic areas

  • Communities and clusters living in damp humid areas and near vegetation

  • Workers in agricultural fields and in cowsheds

  • Pregnant women and families with children residing in the endemic areas

  • Increase awareness about VL and PKDL causes, symptoms, and mode of transmission

  • Ensure timely identification and reporting of fever and PKDL cases to avoid delays in diagnosis and treatment (which increases chances of transmission and case load)

  • Ensure IRS within complete household (including cowsheds, cracks, holes)

  • Maintain cleanliness and hygiene within household and surroundings and keep them dry

  • Increase in awareness regarding:

    • Location and accessibility of the nearest PHC and Sadar district hospital

    • Duration, costs, side effects regarding treatment

    • Provision of incentives for treatment

  • Group communication sessions using the VL film

  • IPC using the flip-book

  • IPC activities such as simple and participatory games, which can be carried out without any specific BCC tool

  • Miking during IRS (only in Bihar)

  • Munadi (drum beating) during IRS (only in Jharkhand)

  • VL film

  • Flip-book

  • Posters and stickers displayed at the PHC and Sadar district hospital

  • Display posters on rickshaws, tempo, and other vehicles plying in rural areas

  • SMS alerts

Village/block levelSecondary audience:
Frontline health workers at village level; MoIC and KTS at the block level
  • Ensure timely diagnosis and treatment of Kala-azar patients

  • Ensure active case finding and identification during Kala-azar fortnights and passive case finding during home visits (both Kala-azar and PKDL)

  • Increase community awareness on causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Kala-azar and PKDL

  • Provide identification and motivation of patients and their families for seeking timely diagnosis and treatment for fever and PKDL (through IPC and counselling during home visits)

  • Provide information about incentives/other entitlements for Kala-azar patients

  • Ensuring active participation of FLWs in group communication sessions using the Kala-azar film (to ensure continuity and sustainability)

  • IPC using the flip-book

  • Interactions/meetings using FAQ booklet

  • Capacity building on IPC and communication skills

  • VL film for GC sessions

  • Flip-book for IPC sessions

  • FAQ booklet

  • Module on IPC and effective communication

  • SMS alerts

Village/tola/community levelSecondary audience:
Opinion leaders, PRI/Gram Sabha members, religious leaders, SHGs/AGGs/youth groups, school teachers and headmasters
  • Increase awareness about VL and PKDL causes, symptoms, and mode of transmission

  • Timely reporting of fever and PKDL cases

  • Ensuring IRS of complete village in each and every household (including cowsheds)

  • Mobilize and motivate the community to timely report PKDL cases

  • Mobilize and motivate the community to access and demand various services

  • Provide information and assist patients in getting incentives after treatment

  • Provide support during active case finding in Kala-azar fortnights

  • Ensuring active participation in group communication sessions using the VL film

  • IPC using the flip-book

  • Interactions/meetings using FAQ booklet;

  • Screenings of VL film at the school

  • Miking during IRS (only in Bihar)

  • Munadi (drum beating) during IRS (only in Jharkhand)

  • VL film

  • Flip-book

  • FAQ booklet

  • Posters and stickers distributed to the community, the PHC, and Sadar district hospital

  • Display posters on rickshaws, tempo, and other vehicles plying in rural areas

  • SMS alerts

Village/block levelSecondary audience:
Private practitioners/traditional healers
  • Ensure timely diagnosis and treatment of VL patients

  • Informing the patients about causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of VL and PKDL

  • Provide information about diagnosis and treatment processes as well as procedures for referral to Sadar district hospital

  • Ensure proper recording and reporting of cases

  • Inform the patients about the nearest accessible and functional health facility

Sensitization workshops
  • FAQ booklet

  • Posters and stickers for display and distribution in clinics, hospitals

  • SMS alerts

  • Workshop kit

District, state, and national levelTertiary audience:
Policy makers and program managers
  • Provision of quality and timely resources (human, equipment, and finances)

  • Provision of timely and regular supply of diagnostic kits and medicines

  • Ensure proper planning and implementation to ensure complete coverage through IRS

  • Devise a plan for capacity building of health care service providers and spray staff on technical and soft skills to enhance their motivation and awareness levels

  • Coordinate with other departments to ensure concerted efforts toward elimination

  • Ensure periodic review of the VL elimination program by senior officials at state and district levels

Advocacy by KalaCORE with supportAdvocacy
  • Abbreviations: AGG, adolescent girls' groups; BCC, behavior change communication; FAQ, frequently asked questions; IPC, interpersonal communication; IRS, indoor residual spraying; KTS, Kala-azar Technical Supervisor; MoIC, Medical Officer In-Charge; PHC, primary health center; PKDL, post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis; PRI, Panchayati Raj Institution; SHG, self-help group; VL, visceral leishmaniasis.