TABLE 4. MSIM BlueStar Franchisee Client Profile From 2015 Client Exit Interview Results (N=265)
Client CharacteristicProportion
    Under 20 years26
    Under 25 years51
    Living below US$1.25 a day27
    Living below US$2.50 a day65
    Living below national poverty line36
Other demographics
    Not currently married or living with partner23
    Have not completed primary education61
    Traveled 1 hour or more to reach facility15
Use of family planning methods
    Newly adopted a methoda75
    Continued using a method, existing MSIM client15
    Continued using a method, previously sourced from another provider10
    Changed from a short- to long-acting method8
  • Abbreviation: MSIM, Marie Stopes International Mali.

  • a Defined as not using a modern method in the 3 months prior to their visit.