TABLE 1. Method Choice Among Modern Method Users, Mali DHS 2012/13 Respondents Using Modern Contraception From a Public Clinica Compared With MSIM BlueStar Franchisee Clients 2012–2015
Proportion Reporting Use of:DHS RespondentsMSIM BlueStar Franchisee Clients
  • Abbreviations: DHS, Demographic and Health Survey; IUDs, intrauterine devices; MSIM, Marie Stopes International Mali.

  • a The users of modern contraception in the DHS are derived from the women surveyed who were married or unmarried but sexually active at the time of the survey and who reported using a modern method of contraception sourced from a public clinic. The proportions included in the table do not total 100% for these users, as the table includes only those selected methods of contraception that were available at MSIM BlueStar franchisees.