Barriers to Integrating MediCapt Sexual Violence Documentation App Into Existing Workflows Reported by Key Informants (N=9)

Type of BarrierExamples
  • Frequent periods with no electricity

  • No Wi-Fi availability during electricity stoppage time

  • Lack of clarity regarding data storage, cloud location, and capacity

  • Limited or no availability of printers and copiers and their associated supplies

Systemic and organizational
  • Questions regarding organizational support of project (at hospital, district, regional, and national levels)

  • Long-standing workflow practices that promote redundancy and inefficiency (need for multiple copies including the patient chart, carnet, and Standard Sexual Violence form)

  • Need to train multiple clinicians in using app and allowing clinicians time off for training

  • Limited or no availability of electronic medical record system or links to hospital archives

Personal behavior
  • Educational barriers for technology use (minimal)

  • Personal leadership attributes that affect workflow within health care facility

  • Presence of and ability to negotiate perceived jealously and peer resentment

  • Degree of willingness to try new things

  • Degree of willingness to invest more time initially in learning and using app