Bench Testing Results Comparing Heat Extraction Capabilities and Tip Temperatures of Standard Cryotherapy (Wallach LL100) Versus LMIC-Adapted CryoPen

Wallach LL100 (n=15) Mean (SD)LMIC-Adapted CryoPen (n=15) Mean (SD)P Value
Depth of freeze, mm7.14 (1.00)6.33 (1.21).06
Lateral depth of freeze, mm7.86 (0.96)7.93 (1.32).88
Diameter of freeze, mm29.37 (2.09)30.71 (3.61).23
Mass of freeze ball, g7.71 (1.16)8.27 (1.33).22
Average tip temperature in freeze cycle, °C−51.84 (4.99)−48.28 (6.37).10
Minimum (coldest) tip temperature, °C−56.11 (4.19)−55.08 (7.42).64