TABLE 6 Comparison of Outcomes Between Earlier Observational Cohort (N = 1,242) and Current Intervention Cohort (N = 202)
OutcomeEarlier Observational Cohort, No. (%)Current Intervention Cohort, No. (%)OR (95% CI)
Readmission72 (5.8)22 (10.9)1.97b (1.14, 3.23)
Any visit383 (30.8)177a (87.6)14.61b (9.41, 22.67)
Death41 (3.3)5 (2.5)0.75 (0.29, 1.92)
  • Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

  • a Also includes non-referral visit; therefore, the number in this table is higher than the 170 indicated in Table 2.

  • b Adjusted for site of enrollment and post-discharge mortality risk score.