TABLE 4 Changes From Baseline in Self-Reported Behaviors (Intention-to-Treat Analysis)
Cluster-Level DiD Analysis
Adjusted for Baseline PrevalenceAdjusted for Baseline Prevalence and Confounder Score
BehaviorsSurveyControl Arm
No. (%)
Intervention Arm
No. (%)
Crude DiDDiD (95% CI)P ValueDiD (95% CI)P Value
Maternal health
4 or more ANC visitsBS2562 (50.8)2470 (37.0)
MD1012 (61.0)1212 (48.4)1.2-3.5 (-17.8, 10.9).61-5.6 (-23.7, 12.5).50
Saving money during the pregnancyBS2562 (62.8)2474 (56.4)
MD1012 (67.4)1212 (69.8)8.89.8 (1.0, 18.6).0312.8 (1.4, 24.2).03
Health facility deliveryBS2562 (81.8)2470 (56.0)
MD1012 (92.4)1212 (65.3)-1.31.1 (-11.0, 13.2).85-1.0 (-12.6, 10.6).85
Newborn health
Breastfeeding initiation within 1 hour after birthBS2556 (32.6)2463 (26.8)
MD1003 (31.2)1194 (31.5)6.18.5 (-6.7, 23.6).249.0 (-16.9, 34.9).46
First bath delayed for 24 hours or more after birthBS2556 (55.9)2463 (49.3)
MD1003 (66.0)1194 (52.0)-7.4-5.5 (-16.3, 5.4).29-3.4 (-19.1, 12.4).64
Health care seeking in a health facility or with a CHW (2 weeks prior to interview)
FeverBS735 (63.7)637 (50.2)
MD777 (73.1)744 (65.9)6.34.2 (-7.9, 16.3).465.0 (-9.7, 19.6).47
Fast/difficult breathingBS302 (56.6)381 (44.4)
MD203 (70.9)180 (62.8)4.1-2.9 (-27.0, 21.2).8010.5 (-18.0, 39.1).43
DiarrheaBS559 (57.8)514 (44.9)
MD264 (65.5)349 (65.0)12.412.0 (-2.0, 26.1).0917.5 (2.5, 32.5).03
Treatment (2 weeks prior to interview)
ACT or quinine IM/IV for feverBS735 (17.3)639 (16.9)
MD797 (34.6)766 (32.8)-1.4-4.1 (-12.7, 4.5).320.0 (-11.5, 11.5)>.99
Antibiotic for fast/difficult breathingBS302 (28.2)382 (27.0)
MD210 (33.8)188 (45.2)12.613.8 (-7.9, 35.5).1929.6 (3.5, 55.7).03
ORS or more liquids for diarrheaBS560 (41.1)516 (30.6)
MD274 (42.0)354 (55.9)24.414.9 (2.0, 27.8).039.5 (-5.6, 24.7).19
Homemade solutions for diarrheaBS560 (6.8)516 (6.8)
MD275 (6.2)362 (8.3)2.13.3 (-6.2, 12.9).463.2 (-10.5, 16.8).62
Exclusive breastfeeding (day prior to interview, 0–5 months old)BS428 (44.6)450 (42.4)
MD323 (61.6)361 (50.4)-9.0-10.3 (-24.3, 3.6).13-8.7 (-28.2, 10.8).34
Complementary feeding (day prior to interview, 6–11 months old)BS418 (55.5)411 (49.9)
MD313 (57.8)394 (52.3)0.1-3.3 (-17.4, 10.7).61-10.0 (-27.6, 7.7).24
Growth monitoring (past 6 months, 0–23 months old)BS1525 (59.7)1615 (51.1)
MD1358 (66.3)1513 (58.1)0.40.1 (-11.1, 11.4).98-2.6 (-17.3, 12.0).70
Bed net use
Children under an ITN the night prior to interviewBS2567 (60.3)2475 (58.5)
MD2585 (91.4)2596 (87.8)-1.8-2.7 (-8.9, 3.5).35-3.9 (-12.4, 4.7).34
Women under a bed net during their last pregnancyBS2560 (65.6)2468 (62.5)
MD2586 (79.2)2594 (80.0)3.92.1 (-5.3, 9.5).55-0.6 (-10.6, 9.3).89
Household latrine ownershipBS2559 (19.5)2458 (25.0)
MD2585 (27.8)2596 (35.2)1.90.0 (-11.2, 11.3)>.996.0 (9.3, 21.4).40
Safe disposal of children's last stoolsaBS2566 (14.1)2475 (15.3)
MD2562 (19.1)2577 (21.2)0.90.2 (-6.4, 6.8).952.4 (-7.0, 11.8).58
Hand washing with soap the last time women cleaned their child who defecatedBS2535 (37.5)2401 (36.4)
MD2428 (45.6)2426 (44.2)-0.3-1.6 (-21.0, 17.8).86-10.5 (-35.9, 14.9).38
  • Abbreviations: ACT, artemisinin-based combination therapy; ANC, antenatal care; BS: Baseline survey; CHW, community health worker; CI, confidence interval; DiD, difference-in-difference; IM/IV, intramuscular/intravenous; MD: Midline survey; ORS, oral rehydration solution.

  • a Defined when the child used a latrine or when the stool was thrown into a latrine or buried.